MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Yay or nay? Did you like the reboot and ...

Yay or nay? Did you like the reboot and death of Luke?

Did you like or not like this reboot? Did you also like or dislike how they killed off Solo and now Luke?


Hated everything about it


Many people agree with you


The fans' Tomatometer is down to a truly frightening 57%. Wow! The critics reviews certainly have to be driven by this: You better play ball with Disney if you want access to Disney. And, the IMDb "ratings" are likely being clicked in by Disney stockholders.


His death was given some poetry. But, Solo was just randomly killed off.

I personally don't agree at all with what they did with Luke. I don't think Luke ever would have run from a fight. Not at all. Luke was very much portrayed as different from Obi-Wan and Yoda. He was supposed to be the one who stood up to the Sith and didn't back down.

So, it seems, like a sizable majority of "Star Wars" fans, we are in disagreement with the Luke concept that Abrams and Kasdan started. The one defense of the way that Johnson wrote this movie is that he was stuck with what was established in "Force Awakens." Luke had already been put in exile on this island, and Johnson could only go with it. I think he (bleep!)ed it up with what he did in his movie, but there is that point to be made.


Johnson made things a lot worse. He was the one who chose to have Luke considering killing Ben in his sleep. He was the one who chose to make it Luke's fault Ben went to the darkside. He was the one who made Luke refuse to help even after Rey explained everything to him. He was the one who decided to kill Luke.

The character could have been salvaged after TFA. He decided to poor gasoline into the fire instead.


Excellent points! (unfortunately) Now, I'm even more bummed about how this film went down.

As I have commented elsewhere, I consider these Disney "Star Wars" to be Fan Fiction. I do not take them as "canon." George Lucas was completely involved with every aspect of the previous six "Star Wars" movies. Here, he has zero involvement. So, I consider them no different than if someone was just posting blog entries with their story ideas.

Fans really need to just divorce themselves from the thought that these new movies are "official" in any way. They are products of a business transaction. It's like Hostess being bought out by other people, and the snacks, even though they have the same name and packaging, don't taste anywhere near as good as they used to. Disney just bought the ability to put "Star Wars" on whatever they wanted, and they have.


Luke was never the hero you have made him out to be. He was never a perfect jedi. He was never trained properly. He always had doubt in him. He had a moment of anger at the end of return. Jonhson didnt piss him, he made a real character with flaws.

What I dont get is all the mary sure bullshit about rey being too perfect and now its bullshit about luke not being perfect. People need to make up their minds.


Not murdering your nephew in his sleep doesn't make you perfect or a mary sue. Having complete master of jedi abilities with absolutely no training whatsoever does though.

What Luke did was out of character and doesn't make sense for him to even consider it. Darth Vader was one of the worst people in the galaxy, he committed many atrocities and Luke refused to kill him. Yet he thinks maybe he should kill his nephew in his sleep just because he MIGHT be evil.


I agree not to mention the fact he never knew his father all his life who he desperately wants and needs to save yet he considers killing and later on does not want to help the nephew he probably knew all the kids life.


That’s even worse than Batman deciding to murder Superman for the same reason.


I agree. What sucks too is people keep paying money to be only disappointed. It's like Transformers with Michael Bay.


These films are being made up one at a time. They have hints that there will be a deeper story arch but then poof the next guy retconns it. Johnson was pretty much undoing what abrams did in the first film.


WE ALL KNEW LUKE WAS GONNA DIE For those that didn't it's your fault. We were told by producers at the beginning this series of film's was NOT to focus on the original characters. It was a passing of the baton. Go and cry all you want but I will say it now, Chewbacca and the Falcon are next....Leia we already know is doomed....


Star Wars has been destroyed?


It's it can't be destroyed. The plan is to have stories that do not involve the Empire,rebels, sith or Jedi....after 9 it's pretty much other areas of the Galaxy...just the way it is. It can't go on forever...


Doesn't matter. You knew ahead of time. We all did. They were only handing off to a new Gen of characters. It's your fault that you expected more. Time to move on....


If the new films weren't going to be concerned with the original characters, they should have just left them in the past. That is the problem with these new movies. George Lucas proposed that the new trilogy to be about new characters, and leave the original characters in the past.


lol if they had made some announcement before these films came out they would have bombed.


The problem with Luke is he just dies for no reason. One minute he's being a badass, and then he just dies.

Hammill made it awesome, but it made no sense.

Fuck it. Since it wasn't properly explained, I'm saying Luke didn't really die. He just "ascended" and can come back.


I know right! Luke deserved a better death than by heart attack. Non of the heroes of the original Star Wars have a happy ending.


At least Han got to go out helping stop a planet sided WMD. Luke saved like 20 rebels and his sister that will somehow be dead in the next movie.


Johnson clearly has a @#$% it attitude towards "Star Wars." "Last Jedi" is packed with flippant, who-gives-a-@#$% actions and dialogue that shows he was going to just treat this movie like a prank. Now, we know how the full trilogy Kathleen Kennedy handed to him will turn out.


The movie has problems but is overall enjoyable and beautiful to look at. However for all of the movie's faults, the one thing it does PERFECTLY is its handling of Luke. Not only is this the best performance of Mark Hamill's career, but was a perfect sendoff (of sorts, you know we haven't seen the last of Luke) for arguably the most important character of the franchise.


I disagree. The Luke in TLJ is not the one we know and love from the OT. Johnson's script performed a character assassination even before we see Luke die.


Luke was OK. Han Solo’s death was lame.
