The new series ep 7-9

are just a pretext to kill all the old cast off and to bring in fresh blood, more or less new profits. Kinda sad when you think about it. Like none of them gone off to live a happy life or settle down.


Which is exactly what the end of ROTJ implied but Disney had to come along and screw things up so that they could make money.


Authors of the sequel books did the same thing. What other story would there be? A slow-moving trilogy about Luke's retirement, about Leia's arthritis, about Han being banned from the local mall for hitting on 14 year old Wookie girls?


They should not have continued the story at all because in Episode VI all plot points from the previous 5 episodes were brought to a close. Anakin full filled his prophecy and the sith was destroyed and the galaxy was at peace as the Republic was re-established. These new movies are nothing more than a cash grab plain and simple and they simply aren't as good as the original trilogy or the prequels.


Quite right.


It still boggles my mind how you blindly accept anything out of the Disney Star Wars movies (which are one big pile of sh!t) yet you seem to be able to find fault in TDKR which is about as flawless as a movie can get. Stupid fanboy.
