I hope Rey is related to Palpatine

If she isnt related to Luke


I've entertained the thought she may be related to a powerful force user like Palpatine. It would certainly be an unexpected twist, but people would probably complain about that as much as if she's Luke's daughter.


Palpatine was my first thought too. And I would actually like to see a Palpatine on the light side of the force. We already have a Skywalker on the dark side. It would be a pretty cool twist.


Yah,that would be a great twist. And it could stop the Mary Sue complaints as well (I don't think she is) because it would show how powerful she is.


That could make Luke very reluctant to have anything to do with training her. That could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on point of view. Dramatically speaking it would provide great tension.


I think she's a Kenobi... although the Palpetine theory is convincing also.


I think she's a Kenobi...

That's my hope as well.


So what you're saying is, you hope Palpatine force raped her mom to create an apprentice? Sexy.


So what you're saying is, you hope Palpatine force raped her mom to create an apprentice?

No. I'm saying I hope she is a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi. His granddaughter for instance. It would match her with Kylo Ren in the sense that he is the grandson of Anakin Skywalker. Two grandchildren of powerful Jedi.


Forget about it. 97 % of people who're going to watch this doesn't even know who Palpatine is...

I'm afraid she may be not related to Skywalkers at all. In my opinion she comes from the same place Snoke comes - from the times before the first trilogy. That's the only way he can work as a villain and she as a main protagonist.


Palpatine is much better than Snoke, Snoke was really forced in , like "care about this guy"


Snoke was really forced in

Oh, I wholly agree with you. It's like "there's this big guy and he's the new villain". But what else could they've done? Either resurrect Sidious or come up with a new villain - that was their only option. I kinda like where they're going with this. I think this direction is going to give the whole saga an entirely new meaning.


97% of what? Palpatine was the main villain in both the original and prequel trilogy.

June 14, 2013; The Return of the King \S/


That doesn't mean people know who he is. For them he's "just another villain". That's why Abrams has been so successfull with this - he put Snoke in TFA who looks kind of similar to Sidious and majority of the audience eats that *beep* up. That's also the reason why some of the fans still think he's related to Palpatine - because they look nearly the same!


What? How?


He has a black cloak and is presented via hologram. This choice's given Kasdan/Abrams/Kennedy/Spielberg two things: offering the global audience a proven form of succesful presentation of the main villain (the same applies for Kylo Ren - his mask and voice ala Darth Vader) and 2nd: it allows for a plenty of speculation everywhere around the internet; it gives the audience something to think about and ultimately sends it into a blind alley (Darth Plagueis and Sidious speculation).

What Abrams always does (and he, Kennedy and Spielberg are the main "brain-trust" of this property at Disney) is his "mystery box" *beep* He gives you obvious clues, which in the end are proven wrong, cause the story has to offer some big surprise (no matter if good or bad), but it has to contain some final, giant twist of the meaning of the story (of the whole story or particular character's biography)

Besides, people at Disney are not stupid. They realize they have on their hands the biggest franchise in the history of entertainment. Do you think they're going to end 'Star Wars' after Episode IX and a couple of stand-alone movies? No. They're not going to do that. They're going to tell more stories. And for that you have to expand the canon. You have to go beyond Skywalkers and the Sith. In order for the franchise to succeed in the long term, they have to expand the mythos and the history of the galaxy as it had been presented in Lucas' movies. They have to bring new elements into it and that's what they've been doing since 'The Force Awakens'.


Palpatine made Snoke. Pay better attention next time


Are you serious? 97% of people are not going to know who Palpatine is? You don't think people have shown their children Star Wars over the years? I'm pretty sure everybody knows who Palpatine is but they are currently more invested in trying to find out who Snoke is.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


Before his battle with Mace Windu, Palpatine was too busy plotting to take over the galaxy to have a relationship or even care about any entanglements.

And what he looked like after that fight I don't think any women would want him.


Snoke should be related to the Emperor.

Avenged Sevenfold and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan
