Knights of Ren?

Will we see more of them in this movie? I hope so; they seem rather interesting.

From what I've seen online, they seem to be like a cult under Snoke who worship the Dark Side of the Force, and idolize Darth Vader. But are they Force-sensitive? Are they still around other than Kylo, or were the rest killed? Did they destroy the Jedi academy, or just Kylo working alone?


They definitely will be, there have been numerous leaked photos form shooting locations showing the Knights of Ren.
(I don't have a direct link, but go to, and just search it on there.)


Coolio, thanks! I don't want actual spoilers, but good to know they were seen filming.


I will definitely be interested in seeing them, because I had previously suspected that Snoke made them up.

Or maybe he did, and he found some other fools with Force powers who are also willing to believe in his lies.


I think Snoke led them, with Kylo being his right hand man in a way. Not sure if they all had Force powers, or just worshiped the Dark Side and Darth Vader.


Who cares? They're all weaker than Kylo and he's weaker than Rey so they're not going to be any threat to her.



TFA went way overboard with overpowering Rey and making everyone seem weak and incompetent in comparison. Hard to appreciate a hero that does not struggle. It makes it so that only extremely narcissistic people( with extreme delusions of superiority that are having their bizarre fantasy wish fulfillment in Rey) that can like such a character.
