this movie was a total surprise in how good it was. at first it looked very stupid to me but low and behold it's very good, campy fun.
sharethis movie was a total surprise in how good it was. at first it looked very stupid to me but low and behold it's very good, campy fun.
shareYeah, I turned it on expecting silly schlock, but it was actually pretty great. I was mostly surprised how well directed it was until I saw at the credits it was Lucky Mckee directing, who's films I have enjoyed in the past. I think he's an underrated film maker.
It had some weak moments, and suffered from low budget cgi issues, but they weren't terrible deal breakers by any means.
All in all a very enjoyable movie. Easily one of the best indy horror I have seen in years.
Agreed. I enjoyed it muchly
YES! i love, love, love this movie! so incredibly fun & ohmygods, caitlin stasey is gorgeous! my, oh my. i seriously cannot wait until the sequel! finding out at the end that there would be another film was the best surprise of all.