So is this really Part One, or was that part of the movies go-for-broke, throw-everything-we-can-in-there style? To just say its part 1? I hope there IS a Part Two, but does anyone know if it is really part of the plan? Theres nothing listed on IMDB or anywhere about it.
I just finished watching it and was coming here to ask the same thing. Thanks for the link. I too hope they get around to making a sequel. I was pleasantly surprised at how this movie played out. I always enjoy campy horror movies but this is one of the better ones I've seen as of late.
That said a sequel probably won't happen if it doesn't get done soon. I hope it happens though, I just have my doubts.
(Full disclosure: I have not yet read that article and am going by natepritchard's reaction that it is not a sure thing. If I read it after I post this and that is not the case, I will edit my post).
It BETTER goddamned well be real! "Oh, thank God, they kicked his ass and ended up together as a sexy couple! That was too easy, though... OH! What's this? COOL! She's rising from the body of..." TO BE CONTINUED. I was, like, enraged. Is this a *beep* miniseries? No! It's a horror movie that does not have the sequel as a sure thing in production now! Don't end on a friggin' cliffhanger for Chrissakes, what sort of *beep* is that?
I know times are tough for horror if it's not a theatrical release. I know they need to pull every trick they can to try to get funding for a sequel (if they want to make one). Of course, getting a franchise going is ideal for everybody involved (and this could be a cool franchise if they did it right and stayed true to the first entry) , and they deserve the money, but that just turned it into kind of a cheap shot. OK, I have PMS and get mood swings, probably over-reacting, but I actually down-graded the movie a star because of that. Other than getting the rug pulled out from under me, I had a lot more fun than I thought I would, having read some pretty mixed reviews.
I guess if it HADN'T said "to be continued" and just ended, I would have been more pissed and figured they didn't know how to end the movie (I know the difference between a director deliberately leaving an ending ambiguous as a genuine creative choice, and the kind where you know they couldn't be bothered to come up with something better ("I think I'll end the movie riiiiiiiiiight... HERE!"), or ran out of money all at once or something.
Probably also a compliment to the movie, though. If it had been a mediocre movie (seen a lot of THOSE lately) I would have thought well, that was lame. Oh well. Instead I'm mainly frustrated because I was invested in the characters and really needed to know what happened next. Still pisses me off, though. I've seen too many movies that kind of ended in the middle of things because they planned or hoped for a sequel, but then couldn't get the funding, would have had to re-cast roles because they had schedule conflicts, or any of the other frustrating reasons it just couldn't happen. With a lower budget and outside the major movie studios, it really seems like a gamble.
Fingers crossed that they will make the second movie and we'll get closure...
Everything that you see, I owe to spaghetti. -Sophia Loren
It wasn't a cliffhanger. The girl from the intro comes back as a zombie. This movie wasn't all that great after they get their powers. The only reason I need a sequel is to get some sort of complete story which this solo film lacked.
The way I took it, they didn't have the time or the budget to make the entire thing, so they worked with what they had. If the film makes enough to warrant part 2, we will definitely get it. At least that way we can see some plot holes cleaned up and some more fun.
This is a "turn your brain off" film, so many people on here act like it was supposed to be perfect. People are weird.