I respect that you personally found Heathers to be be overrated, but when you consider when it was made, and the kind of demographic it would have been marketed to, I think it probably was one of the best social satires of its time.
As for the comparisons to this film...I don't see even a slight parallel.
Heathers was a somewhat surrealistic high-school flick (with action elements), that both satirized the hamfistted and misguided approaches to suicide prevention, the profound lack of insight that could allow a murder to be mistaken for a suicide, and how willing the public are to accept a mass horror perpetrated by the American teen (a good decade before the Columbine shootings, and several decades before people started putting together the inconsistencies in that event).
Oh and sorry for straying into the conspiratorial there, but some of these mass shotting incidence are worth looking into. I don't always know where the truth lies, so I simply file them under "Shenanigans" to denote that the official narrative and the evidence appear to be at odds. However, I digress...
Anyhow...this is story with no clear social agenda beyond exploring retribution against a sociopathic Terry, love triangles that include sisters...and another that include lesbians from different social cliques...
Then there's a supernatural plot in which these elements play out.
Yep...Other than having a sociopath in a main role, there really no resemblance to Heathers...and heck..."J.D's" sociopathic tendencies are revealed in a piecemeal fashion, whereas in All Cheerleaders Die you can tell that Terry is a sociopath quite early (or at least suspect as much, which is just reinforced as the film progresses)...and he's a character you never once put any emotional investment in.
Anyhow, there are really people making this comparison? Have they been drug tested?