"The Woman" and "May"

Were both very good horror films IMO. So, for that reason I'm gonna to give this one a watch soon....But it looks sh!t lol. Can anyone who likes these 2 horror films confirm whether this is anything like them or even worth watching?


I am contemplating watching right now, only because I absolutely love The Woman & May.....but I'm hesitant because it looks kind of dumb


Me too.
I never got around to watching this one though.
Let us know if it's any good, if you do!


Nothing like those movies

Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer.


I like both you mentioned especially The Woman and this is NOTHING like those movies

It's more The Craft (1996) meets Detention of the Dead (2012) on ecstacy

I enjoyed it enough, most scenes as standalone scenes were well-executed but the plot was very un-coherent at parts, you need to put your brain on the shelf for this one

Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer.


Sh!t lol says it all.


Umm, think Jennifer's Body meets The Craft. But with crappy writing, and much lower production values. Glad I watched it on Netflix, and didn't waste money on a rental for this piece of crap. It wasn't really sure if it wanted to be a witch flick, a vampire flick, a zombie flick, a revenge flick, a psycho flick, or a teen drama. And for some reason, the volume level was not consistent at all while watching it on Netflix. I was constantly turning it up and down.

We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
