I didn't 'get' this movie.

It almost seems like a satire, but I can't figure out what it is poking fun of. Last I checked, playing up the broad cliches doesn't translate to satire or parody. It was like a joke without any punchline.

So we're supposed to root for the women, right? Whenever a guy dies, it's often on-screen, silly or there's a distinct lack of emotion. Whenever a woman dies, it's usually off-screen (to often the blow) and it is presented as tragic. Yeah, the guys were jerks and rape is especially bad...But the girls were guilty of straight up murder and didn't seem very phased by it. Somehow the rape victim ends up coming off worse than her rapist. Yet we're supposed to cheer when she gets her revenge. So was there a point to that? Was the director trying to make some sort of statement? Or is this just an awful movie that bungled its intentions?

I will say this though, when I start wishing that the characters would die in a car accident, movies usually don't answer my prayers. Too bad they're brought back. Yikes, is this a "be careful what you wish for" movie? I wanted grisly deaths and I got them...off-screen. I wanted lesbians, sex and nudity and indeed those lesbians got naked and had sex...off-screen.

my reviews of martial arts and horror films


You got it just fine. There was no substance. No deeper meaning. Just poor everything.

It's one of those movies that are so bad that you start second guessing yourself. "There's no way it was really that bad, right? I must have missed something.."

You didn't miss anything. It's just that bad.


I agree. I just couldn't feel sorry for anyone in the entire movie except the Hanna girl


"Whenever a woman dies, it's usually off-screen (to often the blow)"

i guess watching two men hold down and nearly gut a woman was just not enough for you, eh? i found the deaths that the men suffered in this film were easier to watch than the women. the men merely had the life sucked out of them in a comical, zombie like fashion. the women, however, were driven off the road, stabbed multiple times, punched in the face, and raped.

i loved this film. the writer did a great job of blending comedy and horror, and frankly the people on this board i see complaining most seem to be men. not surprising.


yeah loosers. stop complaining it was a wicked tottaly FUN movie! we like watchin this during Halloween!! 9/10


My whole point is that when a man dies, it's not treated like it's a big deal. It's as you say, 'comical'. But when a woman dies, it's nothing short of tragic. If the genders were reversed, I'd be just as uncomfortable about it.

my reviews of martial arts and horror films


Because the boys in this movie were a lot worse than the girls.


Not all of them. Some were just weak. Only one of them did anything remotely as bad as what the girls ended up doing (and he got the quickest death, after experiencing being superhuman for a bit).

I think the OP has a point. But I think it just reflects the fact that the story is told from the girls' point of view. You're supposed to empathise with them in that sense, not in the sense of thinking they're nice people. You're constantly being reminded that they're not, by the coldness of the way their victims deaths are presented.

It's one of those films where the protagonists aren't sympathetic characters. I know some
people don't enjoy that. For me it was this film's saving grace - just about made it interesting enough.


Typical feminazi, & I'm definitely not wrong


It really sucked. 3 star type movie.
