MovieChat Forums > Feuchtgebiete (2013) Discussion > Some questions about the disgusting/grap...

Some questions about the disgusting/graphic scenes in the movie.

I haven't read the book yet (I just ordered it.) and I'm looking at the parent's guide due to curiosity since the film looks disgusting (amazing, but disgusting.) and I have a few questions. I can handle almost anything in a film but I just want a few answers about some scenes in the movie.

I'm already dreading the scene of Helen ramming the bed handle thing in her anus to extend her hospital stay. Is the scene long and gross? I can easily skip past it or handle it if it's a few seconds long but even my strong stomach couldn't handle seeing something like that.

Why are men ejaculating on a pizza?


it was definitely longer than a few seconds. to be honest i was watching through my fingers because i didn't want to see the whole thing. you can see it coming though so it's pretty easy to avoid. unless i missed it, they don't actually show it happening up close, but there is lots of blood on the floor and you see/hear that she's in pain from it.

after having a pizza delivered to her hospital room, helen tells robin she is always intentionally rude to delivery guys and then recounts a story she heard from a friend about some girls who had ordered a pizza. it was taking a long time to show up so they kept calling to ask what was going on, which the guys at the pizza place found annoying. when it finally arrived the girls started eating it, noticed a funny taste, and had it tested -- lo and behold there was semen on the pizza. at the end of the story helen explains the reason for her rudeness: she hopes that if she irritates them enough, one day they will defile her pizza too (cut to fantasy of 4 or 5 guys masturbating over a pizza).



Thank you so much!


Why order a copy of a book about a story that disgusts you? Moron.


Because it sounds like a good book?


I strongly suggest that you read the book before seeing the movie because you're more likely to be able to be a little more prepared visually. The film was a fairly well down adaptation with the exception of some minor character traits. I'd read the book three times and just found out it was adapted into a movie and was streaming on Netflix last week. There were definitely a few scenes I had to mute and close my eyes during ( the pizza scene) and I don't get offended or grossed out easily. Good luck with the book and movie!


I read the book already. I was disappointed a lot of scenes from the book weren't in the movie but I loved it.


You've been on these boards since 1999 and you still make posts like that? Pretty nasty way to respond to an earnest question. I'm glad the poster just ignored you, but seriously what gives? Apart from being unnecessarily hostile, you evidently didn't really read the post because he/she didn't say or even imply they found the story disgusting, just expressed curiosity and some personal concern. Was jumping down this person's throat the highlight of a bad day or something?

