So disgusting yet so charming.
So disgusting yet so charming.
Seriously, I cringed but I thought the film had this disgusting charm to it. Anyone feel the same way?
So disgusting yet so charming.
Seriously, I cringed but I thought the film had this disgusting charm to it. Anyone feel the same way?
I didn't really find it as disgusting as the trailers made it out to be. The book is far more descriptive and more disgusting She talks about having sex on her period and getting it behind while having diarrhea . The only thing that really disgusted me was the crapping in the shower and Helen shoving the handle up her ass to make herself bleed.
Really excellent film though. I feel like more people are going to write it off for being disgusting (when it only has a few gross moments) when it really is a deep and hilarious film about sex and childhood trauma.
Yeah, no, the levels of filth it goes to AND the fact that it has unsimulated sexual activity make it basically a porno.