questions about the final episode!(and some for all episodes!)
Okay so where do i begin lol.
1) For starters, why did Lena had this terrible wound in the season 1? which was somehow similar with the one that the returned ones had. Although it was cured afterwards. was it because she was so connected with Camile? (being her twin and all).
2) What is the deal with Victor/Louis after all?? how can he cause all those people to return from the dead just by wishing that his father shouldn't die? and what is he? the devil? we never learn where he came from, why are his dreams/drawings come true or what's his purpose.
3) In the end, did Julie die? or Victor saved her from wishing for all the people to return back? (the dead ones)
4) Did Victor stayed on earth? Was what we saw with him on the beach and Julie with the nurse real?
5) What happened with Adele and Simon? Did Adele die after she entered the cave and she went to find Simon so they would get married like they would suppose to?
6) Had Simon committed suicide after all? it isn't clear in the episodes whether he really wanted to die or not.(when he was going to meet adele to marry her)
7) Why wasn't simon along with the others when they were going back from where they came from? (the returned ones).
8) why did they need the baby after all if Victor was the only way for them to find their path?
9) how can the baby of adele live with foster parents, if he is dead and he will start to rot without other dead people around him? how can he survive on earth?
uhm... i think i am done :P