MovieChat Forums > Les revenants (2013) Discussion > Why Simon comitted suicide?

Why Simon comitted suicide?




I think it was because he was upset Adele was pregnant with Chloe.


No, he was pleased about the pregnancy. We saw that the second episode of series 1.


I'm still not convinced it was suicide. Nothing was said about suicide for ten years until he turned up in the town again. Then Thomas broke the "bad news" to Adèle and the priest backed him up. And nobody has offered any more details, such as how he did it (Chloé's drawing has him shooting himself, but that's quite likely just her mental image of suicide), who found him, or how and why it was presented as an accident. Plus, returned Simon has no suicidal tendencies, and no memory of having suicidal thoughts before his death. I think Thomas dreamed up the suicide story to try and turn Adèle against him, and everybody just bought it. I haven't seen the whole series, so if he was shown killing himself in the last couple of episodes you can ignore all of this.


Yes, you're right. We still don't know for sure of it was suicide or not. But Adele thinks it was because she was pregnant.


Why would the priest lie about it? He may be wrong, but I'm not sure what his reasons for lieing would be


I also don't think he committed suicide, there's something suspicious about it. I mean they've left it open on purpose right? I wouldn't be surprised if someone killed him and made it look like a suicide, but who would want him dead we just don't know. We still don't know much of who Simon was when he was alive.

It was interesting meeting his parents. It looks like they might have been the ones to commit suicide or a murder-suicide. All their talk about the circle and the passage, to me, seems to suggest they were apart of some cult. Them thinking the baby was Simon was weird though. Did he just get lost after the flood? Did they just leave him behind to join a cult? They said the baby died though right? So, I don't get how they thought it would be Simon. But I guess if they died fairly young they were the ones who died on Simon. Was there ever mention of Simon being an orphan? Or being adopted? Did I just misunderstand that whole story point? Please help haha


As I understood it, all of the cult members were led to believe that their children died in the flood (or were gone somehow). If you recall, the police found a group of kids (holding baby Simon, I presume) locked up in a room in Milan's cabin after the suicides.


I don't think so. I think this was essentially planned to be a Jonestown type of incident.

The children were going to 'drink the koolaid' but in a separate place from where the parents would die from gunshot wounds.

We see some of those kids interacting with their parents after the flood.


My theory is that he did commit suicide, probably because of the awareness that his parents were a part of the cult and decided to kill themselves and him, but he managed to survive, since the police found the children. That tragedy has had its toll on him.

All Is One


He clearly didn't know about how his parents died until he met them again when they returned though, given he was trusting them with his baby until he 'saw' what had happened. When he saw that he was shocked and took his baby away from them. I reckon it really was just an accident, but Thomas wanted Adele to hate Simon so that she wouldn't leave with him.


Depression (and a number of other mental disorders) are hereditary, or so my doctors told me when I went to them for acne meds as a teenager. Simon was particularly at risk and would need a stable circle of friend sand family who would recognise his destructive thoughts and facilitate his getting the help he very badly needed. Instead, he probably grew up in a number of dysfunctional foster homes and then fell in love with a woman who shared his self-destructive streak.


Depression has a genetic component, but it's not a 100% genetic disorder. Environmental factors are largely important in its development. They know this because they've done twin and adoption studies. According to the DSM-IV-TR (I don't have a DSM-5 with me, but DSM-IV-TR heritability info should be correct), depression is 1.5-3 times more likely in first-degree biological relatives. However, depressive thinking patterns can be learned (because parents model behavior unintentionally), and Simon wouldn't have been exposed to those from his biological parents.

The other issue is that it's not clear his parents were depressed. The entire town suffered a trauma, so it could have been PTSD.


Well, there goes my hack theory!  Thanks for sharing this information. It made for a really interesting read.


Simon seemed very excited to be marrying Adele, so the suicide is a shock. Perhaps he crossed paths with Victor that day somehow. We have seen Victor manipulate others into commiting suicide.


didn't victor just "helped" people to do what they would have done anyway? he said it multiple times. he said the neighbor with the cats would have done it any way, toni felt really bad about killing his own brother, etc ... so basically victor just helped them do it. as of simon's suicide: why would have thomas make up that story about the suicide? and why would the priest lie about it to adéle? and if thomas made the story up to make adéle fall into his hands, then why did they tell adéle the "fairy tale" about an accident and just tell her the truth after 10 years? no point in this. simon probably just commited suicide because he panicked about his future life: he thought he wouldn't live up to the expectations of being a father and a husband and opted out. these things do happen in real life (unfortunately exactly like that. i mean not the dead coming back, but young boys without a "proper" childhood and family background starting to panic because they don't believe in themselves to be able to start an own family.) he probably thought adéle is still young and would do much better without him.



Always happy to help people know more about mental health!


i wish the show could have answered the damn questions we've been wondering about for 3 years..
oh well. at least i have season 1
