I have questions as well. What is up with the parents of the unreturned dead kids? The first thing out of their mouths when they realize Camille is back is "why is she back? How come she came back and not my kid?" and other resentful, hateful, self concerned, inconsiderate remarks.
And when that family hanged themselves in the storage barn that bitchy lady can only accuse Camille of causing their deaths.
And another question: why doesn't someone, Camille's parents or the counselor guy, say something sensible to the hateful parents? When they call Camille a monster on multiple occasions, nobody scolds them for being hateful and childish. Instead they sympathize with them.
Is that some kind of PC thing I don't know about? When some emotionally immature person attacks a child, is it PC to sympathize with them, hold their hand and speak very gently to them? It wasn't just one time that the bitchy lady was hateful and accusatory toward Camille, it was multiple times. It was every time. It wasn't a momentary emotional breakdown, words said out of character, followed by an apology. That really bitchy lady is constantly acting offended, paranoid, hateful, and acting justified in do so. And nobody says to her even something as mildly reproachful as: "hey, come on now. You're being unkind and harsh toward a young girl who has done nothing wrong. She is not the cause of your child's death or your suffering. You have no reason for saying these things to and about her. And you owe her an apology."
There was nothing like that any of the many times any of the parents acted puerile, inconsiderate, and hateful. There was nothing said to them to indicate to them that they were out of line, barring one occasion. Instead everyone coddled them.
I cannot understand that at all. Is this some PC thing?