No season 3???

I heard that there won't be a season 3 due to low ratings :( is this true?

TV Shows I've watched: Any suggestions?


As far as I know, a decision has not yet been made on its renewal.


As someone who saw LOST fall apart in season 6, I hope they *DON'T* make a third series. Yes, some of the big questions didn't get answered (mainly: where did Victor/Louis come from originally?) but they tied up everything else pretty nicely. Sure, they left it open for a third series with Nathan but the creator said that if there's a third series it will be different from the first two. No thanks!


Someone said they tied things up nicely, really? What happened to the returned? All Victor said was they are gone, where? It never explained how they came back in the first place. Why did they give the baby to strangers? Why did some of the returned eat people and others behave normally? I don't think it tied things up at all. I hope there is a third season to explain some of this instead of leaving it this way.


^^AGREED! Nothing was tied up nicely!


It did not at all feel like a show that ended. All of the questions the previous poster posed still remain open. there needs to be a third season to finish it up on all fronts.


Someone said they tied things up nicely, really? What happened to the returned? All Victor said was they are gone, where? It never explained how they came back in the first place. Why did they give the baby to strangers? Why did some of the returned eat people and others behave normally? I don't think it tied things up at all. I hope there is a third season to explain some of this instead of leaving it this way.
None of these questions are important. While the geek inside me likes to turn them over in my mind, they are not what the show was about.

None of your questions are truly "why" questions, but "how" questions dressed up. They are entirely about mechanics.

The important question is why the Returned could not find a place of safety, even among family, why we are such slaves to our past, and whether it is possible for a bad man to find redemption when he is, deep down a coward. And what happens to those who are rejected or abandoned?

Which leads to this:

Why did some of the returned eat people and others behave normally?
Was clearly explained in the show.


 (And I'm being very sincere.)


Why did some of the returned eat people and others behave normally?

Was clearly explained in the show.

Really? Then please enlighten us then what this explanation was, because I "clearly" don't remember either any of the other returned chowing down on the living, or one of them "clearly" stating, "hey, watch out, some of us might want to eat you."

"Those who would trade Liberty for Security deserve neither"


I think the closest they got to an explanation was Camille saying to Virgil that the zombie-like returned were the ones who were not mourned. Doesn't explicitly address the cannibalism part, and we don't know if what she said is true, but that's the only time they addressed the divide. The other explanation is their constant hunger, especially when they first come back. Camille never turned cannibal because she always had food if she wanted it. Although, now that I think about it, didn't a rabbit carcass turn up in the Seguret kitchen early in season 1? It could be they have some animalistic kind of instinct when they first come back that gets expressed in different ways depending on what's available.


Really? Then please enlighten us then

We were both told, as evelhussey outlines (Camille actually said they had nobody waiting for them) and show by what happened to Audrey when her mother turned on her. Those who belong nowhere, with no connections, revert to their most base nature. It's not a new metaphor.


I agree. I never expected a solid answer to these questions. They're the kinds of questions a show will string you along with for years and years.


It IS explained how they came back in the first place.

Victor demanded/wished his father back to life and while doing so, everything dead around him came back. pinned butterflies, etc. I thought it was pretty obvious.........


Without getting into religious territory...too much, where do you think all of us go when we die? Wondering where the returned went by the end is not something we're supposed to know for sure. Many of them seemed to have died from tragic circumstances. I believe it's sort of like an "in between" state because they are not able to move on. Those who started to eat others were the ones who did not get other food. Audrey for example was given 1 plate of food, which we know would not have satisfied her. As for returning, it was because Victor has a special gift. We know he is psychic. But we also know he has the ability to summon those who are still within our realm, so to speak. But obviously at the beginning he did not have control over it.


What? No. We waited 3 years for this and they explained nothing. We need answers.


If they don't come out with a third season, it will be cruel and unusual punishment.


Cruel and unusual punishment? What are you and the poster above you going on about? I've been seeing this "we need every, single, solitary answer" attitude since "Lost", and am more than a little tired of it. LIFE itself doesn't give you every answer to every question raised, and I have never understood the mentality of people that expect (demand!) that from a television show or movie. I was extremely satisfied by the story as it was told. I think a third season would be just a money-grab and not a continuation of this story. This story has been told and is finished.

The poster above you claims that "they explained nothing", which is patently ridiculous. Everything that needed explanation was explained, and very well at that. Now, if you were texting or doing some other frivolous thing while "watching", then no, you may not have gotten the story and what it was REALLY about which has already been stated. Hint: it's not about where Victor came from originally or what's going to happen to Nathan or why blah, blah, blah.

Engage your brains. It's a wonderful thing.


I'm okay either way on a season 3. I'm for it only if they have good ideas for it.

I loved seasons 1-2, and I'm fine with how so many essential questions remain unanswered. What makes the show unique in the genre is the struggle all of the characters endure to understand what is happening and why. It's fitting that the viewers know as much and as little as the characters.

Great fiction makes you think and feel; it often provides no clear answers.
