Still never sorted that out. he told her about the baby in her stomach and hurt her feelings badly so she left. and then he ended up following her so that part never made sense to me.
We all enjoy the maddness 'cuz we know we're gonna fade away
I'm not sure exactly which scenes you're referring to. So I can't directly address those scenes. And I think the show didn't try to spell everything out so one is left considering and surmising. (and I'm not sure that him telling her about the baby was meant to hurt her... but I could be mis-remembering)
Overall, I think Victor knew that staying with Julie was not good for her. There is an ongoing theme that the Returned and the living can't successfully be together over time. Victor is not one of the Returned but he isn't quite human, either (or he's a special sort of human).
He had a vision of her with a young boy (son) where she was happy. Happier than he's ever seen her so far. He's not in that vision. So, presumably, any future with him would keep her from this happy future.
And he had a vision that she would die by the hand of Milan so I think he wanted to keep her from the Returned but he was tied to them and, by the end, knew he had to help them which meant Victor had to either bring Julie along to deal with them and put her in danger... leave the Returned to fend for themselves... or leave Julie and go help the Returned.
My sense is of him trying to get her to let him go so he could leave for her own good. But she was really attached to him and it was hard for him to see how much it hurt her for him to leave. And it was hard for him to leave. Whatever he was, I think he was also a young boy and I think he wanted a mother. So he was ambivalent with his intentions.
And sometimes, when we're trying to get someone (something... like a dog or something) go that we love... and we know they love us... we feel we have to be cruel to them because as long as they believe we love them, they will never leave us.
I can't remember what exactly he said to her but it was when the mother, the brother, V and Julie were all living together in the house. V started bonding more with the mother and started being mean to Julie. I just wondered what brought that about. Then he left to find her shortly after and refused to have the mother join. I just thought it was odd.
We all enjoy the maddness 'cuz we know we're gonna fade away
Yeah, it was odd. And, again, it's something I don't think they tried to explain so it's a point one could wonder about.
In my mind, I thought Victor felt he was supposed to be with his (adopted) mother so he was trying to do what he was supposed to - break his emotional bond with Julie and go back to accepting his mother as his emotional caregiver.
I don't know if I saw his behavior as mean the way you did. Not to say you're wrong or anything. Just that I didn't see it that way.
But I did sense him trying to break away from Julie, who I think he had bonded to and who he knew had bonded to him, so that he could do what was expected or the 'right thing'.
In doing so, he had to create some distance (this is why teenagers get so awful with their parents... lol... they have to sort of break this bond that exists so they can separate).
I also think the showrunners were playing up the creepy factor of Victor at times just to keep the show interesting and intriguing. :-)
Perhaps part of that strategy was to make it seem that, now that his mother was here, Victor didn't want Julie anymore. Then we would find out that he wasn't really as bonded to his mother as we might have expected him to be. In fact, maybe she didn't really like him at all - or - as we come to think - maybe she thought he was really weird and perhaps responsible for her and her son's death.
So by keeping us uncertain about Victor's feelings and intentions, we are pulled into the mystery of his story and his ultimate relationship with Julie.
But that's just how I interpreted it. Did you have any thoughts why he might be doing that?
Initially with I thought he was honestly warming up to the mother, then I thought it was some kind of mind control thing with the mother and/or the returned status. But then later I thought he was trying to protect her because he knew, as we saw later, she could not live without him. Maybe he was trying to make her hate him so she could go on and live her life. But I think we find that it was he that couldn't live without her (his fairy!) and he went to find her.
We all enjoy the maddness 'cuz we know we're gonna fade away
This is the correct answer. Victor made Julie promise she would never leave him. Shortly after, he overheard Julie talking to Mrs Costa about leaving. He felt betrayed and lashed out at her.
he told her about the baby in her stomach and hurt her feelings badly so she left.
I'm wondering whose baby Julie was carrying. Wasn't she a lesbian? She had been in a relationship with the Gendarme, Laure, when she was attacked in the tunnel, and if she'd been having IVF surely she's have aware that she could have conceived.
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