Hmmm, would I watch a season 3? Probably, if it aired on Sundance at the same time of the year as the past two seasons...there's not much else on then, it seems.
Do I want a season 3? Not really. I think this show--just like some of the "back from the dead" characters on it--overstayed it's welcome. Season 2 dragged on and aside from introducing some new characters and showing us back stories for some from season 1, it really didn't reveal anything we hadn't seen already in season 1 (except for conveniently putting the responsibility for the whole situation on Victor, which I thought was kind of lame).
I think the producers of this show expected to be renewed for another season, because S2 just had the feel that they were treading water and not committing to really telling the audience anything at all...revelations I'm sure they were holding back until they could begin a third season. Well, bad strategy on their part...looks like The Returned won't be returning.
"Those who would trade Liberty for Security deserve neither"