MovieChat Forums > Maron (2013) Discussion > I love it because I am Mark Maron

I love it because I am Mark Maron

Abusive, neglectful *beep* father who left when I was little, we are so alike, I love the show... I wrote down this quote from episode 2 because I could relate so exactly.

The only real difference is while my mom left us at the mall when she worked during the summer, because she cared more about keeping the house clean than our well-being, I never felt lost at the mall, I just imagined I was on a grand adventure.

"My parents are very selfish and I have to thank them for that, because I'm selfish enough not to have children. Because they were so self-involved, for most of my life I wandered around like a kid lost at a mall, just screaming, "Mommy! Daddy!!!" I didn't talk to my father for years, but it solved nothing because I was living in the anger. At some point you're just going to have to realize that they're not going to be the parents you want them to be. That window has closed. You're going to have to accept them the way that they are, and learn how to parent yourself."

~Maron, Episode 2





I agree, great show and great quote. However, I disagree that not having children is selfish. On the contrary, HAVING children is the ultimate act of selfishness.

"Think how utterly, evilly selfish it is to have a child. Think of it! "Oh, honey, wouldn't a baby just be splendid? With its little hands, and its little feet and its little arms and legs and face and smile. Oh, we have to have one." Great, and once it's done, here is another little human to have to grow and learn what a sick collection of animals it is into which he's been born; who has to learn the pointlessness of the asinine cycle of human life; the pain and unhappiness that accompany; the stupidity of the majority; the outrage of old age and death; the unfair circumstances of competition amongst organisms; the injustice of suffering, the absurdity of doctrines and ideologies; the cold blade of war; the inner demons of hunger, desire, self-loathing; who will be taught to hate and feel shame and fear and remorse, regret, guilt; who will one day suck from nonexistence another little conscious body to continue the hideous lineage of incessant dark-humor; and who will one day die, wrapped in a urine-stained, hospital-issued death-shroud, plugged into beeping, blipping machines, fed through dripping bags armed with needles and at the mercy of smart-ass little nurses, who know not yet that they, too, will be faced with this end. What more horrific and vile an act than that of having a child? There can be none. Torture is not worse, murder is not worse, nor rape or anything else, because it is birth that precludes them all. Were it not for birth, none of these other atrocities would have even a chance to be performed. It is the miracle of birth and life that drowns the light of the world, and it is that selfish obeyance of desire that is hung over the heads of all parents in the look of disgust on their disaffected teenager's face. How can one repay an infinite offense?"
- Shane Smith


That is just some crazy emo talk. Having children cannot be selfish by definition.

Selfish- devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.

Some parents can be selfish sure but the act itself of having children is the ultimate act of selflessness. Think of carrying around a child for 9 months inside you only to have him escape via your vagina. Once the child arrives you give up money, time and friends amongst other things to be able to provide for your child. I understand not everybody is perfect and this is where the selfishness comes into play. The problem is many people aren't prepared for the amount of selflessness having a child truly takes but that doesn't tarnish the entire act itself.

The difference is that the author of the quote only sees the world as evil. Reality is that the world is full of much more good and beautiful things than evil and ugly things. The problem is the immense power these evil things posses. One life can be lived full of 99.9% good and beautiful things but can be forever tainted by one evil act. However looking at it the other way a life full of evil cannot be redeemed by one good act no matter how well-intentioned one may have become along the way. The battle of good vs. evil, optimism vs. pessimism and love vs. hate will always be raging. The numbers will be on the side of good but the power always remains in the hands of evil. This is the unbreakable cycle that makes war and death inevitable.

My final thought will summarize the point I was attempting to make before going on a bit of a tangent. Without existence there is no good or evil...there is nothing. Most schools of thought believe that something is better than nothing. Even if that something isn't always perfect it is the only thing we know. What Shane Smith is saying is that life isn't worth living because we are all going to die and it is going to be tough....I say those two things are exactly what makes life worth living.


The nonexistent are free from suffering. By creating a child without its consent, the parents are infringing upon the right of the unborn to be free from suffering. All pleasure is gratuitous, as the nonexistent can not be deprived of pleasure. And just as you have stated, all the pleasure in the world can't make up for a single evil act; by procreating, the parents are opening up the possibility of evil on another person, without their consent.

"I never thought I was doing anyone a favour by bringing children into the world. With people as cruel to each other as they are, it’s a terrible proposition. The best of lives are sad and tragic. The best of them. My general conclusion is that it’s not a nice thing to do. The world doesn’t need it. The kid doesn’t need it." -Woody Allen



FINALLY someone with some reason. I agree 100%


You are missing my point. If everyone was so selfless as to not have children we would be extinct as a species. It is going against human nature to not want to procreate.

While it has gotten to the point now where the world is overcrowded it will not always be like this. Something will happen to thin out the population as it always does....and when the machines rise I will feel more comfortable knowing John Connor was born...whether he wanted to be or not.

The last Terminator rant might have confused you but if you look at it from the most basic level. You create something other than yourself by having children. The only way other people are created is by having children. If nobody is having children there is nobody outside of yourself to even be selfless. If nobody ever had children nobody would exist and nobody could be selfish either. You still probably have no clue what I am getting at but the bottom line is existence in the broader sense isn't optional.

So on an individual level you can be mad at your parents for not aborting you or your dad for not pulling out or your mom for not swallowing you it doesn't matter....You arrived here the only way you can. If you see the minimal time you are allotted on this Earth as a curse then you will be cursed. If you see this time as a blessing you will be blessed.

Lets try this again. Selfish- Thinking only of ones self
Procreating- 1. To beget and conceive (offspring).
2. To produce or create; originate.

The last word is key for me. Originate- To bring into being; create
It comes from Original- Preceding all others in time; first.
The origin....well is the original origin.

But what it means to me is that there was never anything like you before and there never will be anything like you again. Over 100 billion people have lived on this planet and no two were exactly alike. I don't think it is a coincidence we are here either. We will not be around forever but look what we have created as a species. Even the ability to have this conversation can be considered a miracle. I am not religious whatsoever but I know there is something greater then myself and my parents that has led me to be here. I don't always make the best decisions in my life but I still love it. It is all that I know and all I will ever know. It is really sad to me that people see something as such a curse when I see it as such a gift.



"What determines the selflessness or selfishness of the act is WHY you are creating something other than yourself, not THAT you are creating something other than yourself."

This is what I was getting at. The act itself of having children isn't selfish. It is the actions you take afterwards that determines this. If you are going to rape and eat your children then it was selfish, If you are going to be a loving parent and provide for your child it is selfless.



also ditto. I would add that sometimes coming to those terms can also include severing relations with the parent(s), but by itself, avoidance and anger doesn't help anything.


Wow these are intense, long posts; not what I'd expect to see on the IMDB boards where "you're gay" is often the response to anything of substance lol. Just to throw my opinion into the ring, I think that having a child can be one of the most selfish acts or selfless acts depending on the parent's attitude towards parenting, financial & emotional status, geographic location, etc.

For example, a man and a woman living in the slums of one of the West African nations, like Nigeria for example, where the poor show their status through the amount of children they can produce (for a man it's virility, for the woman it's strength, and for both it's like a contest to see how many s*itty xeroxes they can spit out lol) due to the fact that money and jobs are so scarce that it's really the only way to differentiate within the community is probably one of the most narcissistic acts out there. Not only will that child be malnourished (Google the population problem in that region, there are some brilliant articles recently written about the topic), most likely diseased or malformed (due to the birthing conditions and the nature of the region), and often born with HIV; but it's putting more and more strain on a region with already fleeting resources and essentially guaranteeing a life of misery to something that you are supposed to love and devote yourself to. It's basically the complete opposite of what having a child should be, in that case, it's all about the parents and their egos, especially since they have to start cranking them out by 16 or 17 to reach a "reputable" number. That region has almost 3x the birthrate of the 2nd highest regions in the world, at about 8 children per couple, almost all in severe poverty. Pretty much a completely selfish act.

If we look at the opposite side of the coin though, what about a happily married couple living in Copenhagen or Tokyo or one of the other extremely clean, safe cities with basically infinite resources for children even if they aren't born wealthy. In those countries, most couples have under 2 children on average, wait until their late 20's on average, and the child is given all the opportunities in the world to enjoy and explore life. An almost completely selfless act when done right by the parents.

Not sure if anyone is gonna read this, but I had fun writing it lol.


I read it and agree 100%.

My thought is that if you are going to make it a simple black and white issue (which it clearly is not) you have to say it is a selfless act. My logic being if nobody ever had any children we would obviously cease to exist. We could be neither selfish or selfless. Once a child is born the decision can be made to act selfishly but that doesn't mean having a child is a selfish act.

Without yourself you cannot be selfish. Without others you can not be selfless. I guess it is somewhat paradoxical in nature.


Except that people in first world countries aren't free from suffering, seeing as how ALL beings suffer. It is for this reason that it would be better if we didn't exist - a sentientless world is a pain-free world.

Whether you believe the joys in life make up for the pain is irrelevant, because you are not creating an exact replica of yourself, you are creating a whole new person with their own ideas and philosophy... and their own pain. Procreating is like going to a casino and betting with someone else's money.

"If children were brought into the world by an act of pure reason alone, would the human race continue to exist? Would a man rather have so much sympathy with the coming generation, as to spare it the burden of existence? Or at any rate not take it upon himself to impose that burden upon it in cold blood" -Arthur Schopenhauer


It would be better if we didn't exist in some cases. Planet Earth would be very happy if we weren't around to destroy it. Same goes for the myriad of species that went extinct by the hands of man. However if you ask me personally if I would rather exist or not I would go with exist every time. Some terrible things can happen in your life but I believe it is incredibly rare that the suffering you encounter isn't worth the price of having a life to live. If you truly believe all of this why are you alive right now? (Don't go kill yourself).


The only thing keeping me around is fear of pain from the act itself and fear that I'll fail and leave myself worse off (a vegetable). The United States government has effectively made suicide illegal; we are left with scary and violent methods. I would be more ok with procreation if euthanasia was legalized, so all that feel trapped and wronged can quickly and painlessly exit.


To me, it's circumstantial, in the way krupocin describes. Therefore it can't be black and white. In the most general sense, to actively opt to procreate on a human-overpopulated planet is selfish. Depending on your circumstances and environment, it might be more or less so. Overpopulation is precisely what makes it easier for a few to grab the majority of the power. The degree to which we are overpopulated means that each additional human lowers the value of all humans. It makes us susceptible to enslavement via desperation and scarcity.

Sorry if that sounds bleak. Learning about the social and economic changes (rise of a middle class) in the UK and Europe after the plagues in the middle ages (and the following increased promotion of continuous childbirth as a compulsory virtue by the churches) left an enormous impression on me.


Childbirth is always selfish. To procreate is to create a slave, that will have to work for most of its life. Do I want to work? Hell no but I have no choice because my parents created me against my will thinking of their own self-interest and not caring about what I have to say.

"It is good to be a cynic — it is better to be a contented cat — and it is best not to exist at all" -H.P. Lovecraft


You cannot ask an unborn fetus if they want to live or not. They gave you life and if you don't appreciate it that is fine but it is yours now to do what you please. Maybe if you eliminated some of the resentment you have for your parents for bringing you into this horrendous existence that you consider life you would have a more positive outlook.

You don't have to work. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do...including breathe. I just cannot understand how so many people can be so ungrateful for the greatest gift you can ever be given. I am sure you have some sort of sob story as to why you hate life but the truth is it is all in your mind. There are plenty of people who have had it worse off than you who live wonderful lives because they choose to. My life has been far from great but I can honestly tell you that my life is still worth killing for and even dying for.


Of course you can't ask a fetus, which is why it shouldn't be done. A decision that huge shouldn't be made without consent.
If I didn't work I would be homeless and starve, so yes I have to work and if I didn't breathe I would pass out and my body would continue breathing so you're wrong there too.
The actual truth is that it is all in your head that life is a gift, when in reality it is an imposition. It is very hard to convince the general public of this for a variety of reasons including the fact that the human brain is more likely to recall a good memory than a bad one and also a genetic predisposition for optimism(a selective ignorance of the negative).
I will not try to convince you that life is not worth living. Just understand and respect that not everyone is glad to be born and it is very selfish to force us here.

"Not to be born prevails over all meaning uttered in words; by far the second best for life, once it has appeared, is to go as swiftly as possible whence it came." -Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus

Is Sophocles a "crazy emo"? How about Woody Allen:
"Well, you know, you want some kind of relief from the agony and terror of human existence. Human existence is a brutal experience to me…it’s a brutal, meaningless experience—an agonizing, meaningless experience with some oases, delight, some charm and peace, but these are just small oases. Overall, it is a brutal, brutal, terrible experience"


Since you seem so intent on quoting Woody is one that sums it up for me.

“I hate reality but it's still the best place to get a good steak.”

― Woody Allen


If you believe that the fleeting pleasurable (yet ultimately unsatisfactory because you will be thinking about how it could be better) sensation that the brain provides during the consuming of slaughtered animal makes up for an awful reality then that is all well and good, but to decide that for another human and impose it in cold blood is morally unethical and selfish.


You don't make much sense to me. Do you find anything satisfying? If so whatever that is, is only possible because you are alive. I know it isn't worth "all the pain and suffering" (which apparently includes a lot IMDB posting (Oh the HORROR!)) to you but it really is to most people...things aren't as bad as you make them out to be.


Like I stated before I find everything ultimately unsatisfactory because I think about how it could be better. It's worth it to most people because of a series of delusions. It will be impossible for me to sway your deluded mind so I am done.


Wow. Your life philosophy does not hold up well at all to scrutiny and your reasoning is flimsy at best.

Stefeeric has done a perfect job unraveling your disease-addled mindset using only the most rudimentary set of common-sense tools possessed by a functional human mind. The fact that you have "given up" just shows that you cannot defend against cold, steely logic, sensible reasoning, and the brains most basic coping mechanisms.

Pessimism might work for you now, but if you can't argue it and you are this transparent in your attempt to keep it, not to lose it, than it is not possible for you to be anything other than the projection of your own delusion.

You cannot attempt to sway anyone into depravity if the basis of your inclination cannot even hold up the most basic imdb counter point.

Face it; you lost. So you can keep it or leave it, but you didn't convince anyone of anything other than your immediate unbalanced mental state. Total fail. :)


What an infuriating post. What an infuriating idiot. You are just as irrational as Stefeeric and not worth my time. I mean "cold, steely logic"? Were we even reading the same posts? If that is how you view Stefe then it will be very difficult for me to argue with you.

The way you view me has nothing to do with a weakness or fallacy on my end but everything to do with a societal and genetic predisposition for optimistic bias, or moreover optimistic blindness. You didn't point out any flaws in my logic and instead made a bunch of blanket insults against me and my character. You don't know the half of my life philosophy. To fully comprehend that you would need to read some of the greats such as Schopenhauer, Cioran, Ligotti, and Benatar.

It kind of looks like I just bowed out, but I most definitely didn't lose. I just let that other guy take over (who was crushing Stefeeric's logic) but eventually he just gave up too because there was no reasoning with Stefe. Then he went back and deleted his posts (which I hate him for because it makes me look like I'm on my own) but I think I understand why now. Natalism is so deeply indoctrinated into people's heads that when someone upsets that people freak out. Just look at the hate filled bullsh!t coming out of your mouth. I sense a deep pain within you. "Failberry"? So you've given yourself the role to go around and attack people, calling them failures and such? Fail indeed.

Edit: Now that I remember that guy's name was "ineedabettername", so his posts must have been deleted when he deleted the account to get a new name.


And I just came across this topic:
Antinatalism is the only logical position. Do not impose harm.
