He's no Louie

Or Seinfeld or Larry David for that matter. In fact, his show is so derivative of other self-named comedies that it has become grating to watch.
Talk about having a good manager though; he saw the trend and jumped on the bandwagon at precisely the right time. Too bad it underscores why he was never a success to begin with; he just isn't very compelling or likable or funny. He is riding on the coattails of others.
That would actually make a fitting premise for one of his episodes.

Perhaps he was more engaging as an interviewer, none of which is showcased successfully on this show by the way. Upon seeing this however, one begins to realize he isn't nearly of the same caliber that even Howard Stern was when he made a similar type move.


He's no Louie, but he's definitely better than f-cking Seinfeld.

You kidding me with that sh!t? Get the f-ck outta here.


His show isn't; maybe you are kidding me now.


Go spread your hate elsewhere. No one likes you.


I like him....


Well I suppose even Hitler had his followers...


I don't think he's trying to be Louie. It's ok to like similar things. I like Maron, Louie, and Seinfeld. All are great shows in their own way.



The most unfunny show I've sat through in years. To be fair, I only made it through the first three episodes but I think that's all I'll be able to handle. His guests are way funnier than him. It's good for insomnia though.


He's not louie? His show is better than louie.


He's no Louie, Seinfeld or Larry ... That's because he's Marc F'n Maron. Nuff Said!
