Jen sucks

I really don't like her and I think it's really ridiculous that he goes for these really incompatible, immature, way too young chicks. Yeah, I get it's part of his 'screwed up personality' thing, but it makes watching the show a bit annoying. Especially when most of the episodes revolve around the same thing. I like the show when it revolves his comedy, friends, father, etc... I just wish they would cut a bit of the annoying girlfriend thing.

"I'm trying to see things from your point of view but I can't stick my head that far up my ass."


Unfortunately, she's not going anywhere. If you follow Marc Maron's comedy or podcast, you'll see that this is all pretty much his real life. And he just got engaged to "Jen" (Jessica IRL). And yes, they fight and stop talking to each other then make up and have make up sex all. the. time. That would absolutely drive me CRAZY!!!


I love the show (just bought it on iTunes). I'm a Marc Maron fan and have followed his podcast for a long time. He's talked about Jessica before, so I was curious to see if "Jen" was pretty true to how Jessica is in real life.

Her character is crazy and annoying, and I can never understand why men prefer the crazy ones vs sane ones. I've heard guys say that sane girls are "boring" which is just ridiculous. And to top it off she works with kids?! Oh well. I'm hoping that her character is just dramatized for tv...because she's kind of disturbing.


It's not that sane girls are boring--it's that they're boring in bed.

Crazy chicks will do anything.


I would object to generalization that men like crazy women in general. That only applies to a certain type of man, i.e. the flawed, insecure, narcissist type who fears women that are "normal" as in "not broken".

The reasoning goes like this: "I'm a flawed guy and no normal woman will stick around for long so my only chance is to get together with someone who is as flawed as myself and therefore has no right to call me out on my shortcomings."

It's a matter of convenience - rather than work on your flaws, take the easy way out (which won't work either as crazy + crazy doesn't equal normal). Such relationships can work for a while but they are too stressful and after the first couple of years of sexual attraction, only crazy is left.




I'm kind of annoyed with her but probably mainly because she's so pretty. If you really listen to her she makes sense. I think Marc tends to drive women away because of a basic insecurity that he may be learning to overcome. As far as the age thing goes a big difference like that is kind of routine in Hollywood. What I don't get is how anyone could send a picture of her tata and expect it to be kept private or send it in the first place. Or if a guy would really go for that.


I think Jen sucked the dignity from Marc amongst other things.


I dislike Jen, but not so much for who she is, but because she is a dead ringer for this girl I know who is the on-again-off-again crazy ex girlfriend of a guy I used to be friends with. The girl made my former friend lose his (already barely there) mind and for some reason he blames me for his emotional, sometimes physical outbursts at his ex, because he has the emotional maturity of a 6 year old.

During times that they are "on again," they BOTH harass my phone and facebook, which makes me hate Maron's Jen for looking like this girl I know, and because TV Jen makes Maron crazy, which is waaaaaay too relatable for me. Maron needs to find a new girlfriend or I'm gonna have to not watch the show for awhile, which would be a a shame because I really like Marc Maron.


She reminds me of a bratty pissed off little girl. She doesn't work but has plenty to complain about. Overly dramatic and whiny. Not worth sticking around for and putting up with.


Well said. She was completely obnoxious and a total drain on the show, I'm thrilled she's out of the picture.

She was too damn lazy to push a freaking vacuum cleaner! Seriously? Hell no. Get the f*&# out!


The Cherry on top was Jen complaining about being talked about on his Podcast. (big deal) So what does she do? Calls him up on a live TV show to make a scene and tells him not to come home to *his* House! She would've been out ta there that night.

Maron isn't perfect but good Lord Jen is lazy, bratty, and a dramaqueen. The fact she complains about not starting a family after not even dating a year (because Marin has no desire for kids at all anyway) speaks volumes. Sounds like a real stable relationship to bring kids into.
