MovieChat Forums > Maron (2013) Discussion > Who is the actor playing Jeremy the yoga...

Who is the actor playing Jeremy the yoga instructor?

For some @?#%$ reason, by fault of Imdb or IFC, actor information is often left out on these pages. Drives me crazy.

The yoga instructor from July 3 looks familiar, of course, and I WANT TO LOOK HIM UP ON IMDB, DAMMIT.


Thank you.


I dunno but that was one of the best episodes yet.

That guy was great.

I would love to see the show that's coming next to that theatre "tea with my vagina"


He resembles Ryan Stiles.
"Let's get some NPR in this bitch." Nice.

Poets are made by fools like me, but only God can make STD.


seems to be a regular on kroll show, the league and happy endings


Seth Morris is the yoga instructor
