MovieChat Forums > Maron (2013) Discussion > Marc In the Air America Documentary

Marc In the Air America Documentary

Anybody see him in that? He was almost unhinged. He totally lacked confidence and was so angry and fearful that he was almost bouncing off the walls. He had no idea how he was going to deal with doing the radio show. I don't know how his co-host (can't remember guy's name now) put up with it. I can definitely see the kind of crap Marc talks about dealing with. It isn't an act. He was a mess.


Mark something, I used to call it the Mark & Marc show


You tipped my brain scale by reminding me his first name is Mark. It was Mark Riley. The show was called Morning Sedition. Didn't get a chance to hear much of Air America. I just distinctly remember the documentary. Like the fact the whole operation was set to implode from the start thanks to some financial misdealing. And of course Marc Maron, filled with enough self-doubt to kill a horse. Glad he's doing better now.


Half of what I love about this show is that he's kind of a walking demonstration that actually working at your own character and well-being, and talking things through, can indeed make a huge difference. I'm really happy for him.


Yes. Excellent point. He probably hurt some people along the way, but has probably also tried to make amends to those people. It's obvious he knows the difference between right and wrong, when he's made a mistake, and what might be necessary to correct the mistake. He's been aware of his "issues", but instinctively knew that it was better for him to voice them, rather than keep them stuffed inside. I can't imagine the kind of mess he'd be if he never talked about how he felt.


Well he's some kind of aged hipster with a huge ego who had a massive drug abuse problem at the time.
