MovieChat Forums > Maron (2013) Discussion > 13th Step - Funny as Hell

13th Step - Funny as Hell

Maron cracks me up. This season, he's a pharmaceutical mess, yet I still find him sexy. He makes me laugh. His writing is great. The rehab world is fun to watch him maneuver.

With our thoughts, we make our World.


The rehab world he has created is not all that realistic. The patients have far too much free time on their hands as opposed to the highly structured days and nights of an actual facility. And although it's reasonably easy to walk away from one of those places, it's highly unlikely someone would be accepted back, especially after the second transgression.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Well... Marc Maron has been in rehab multiple times, and since he's one of the writers, I'm pretty sure he knows of what he speaks.

Unless you've been in rehab too. In which case it just means your experience was different than his.

