Dissapointed with the fact that Maron barely writes his own show.
I am still in the first season of the show, and while I'm finding the show a funny and interesting one, It kind of bothers me that the show isn't written by Maron himself. Altough it's clear that the show is loosely based on stuff that happenned to Maron in real life, the writing itself is not by Maron. I would be fine with that if Maron could act, but, funny as he often is, he isn't exactly an acomplished actor. Actors like Louis C.K. and Larry David are mediocre actors, but they merit being the star of a show becuase they write them - they are in it in full, whereas Maron has the feel of being a bit of a vanity project. It doesn't help that the themes Maron cover and the take it has on them are far from new or particularly creative.
I am still going to watch the rest of the show, though, as it's funny. But I do feel somewhat dissapointed with the fact that he can't be bothered to do the writing on the show (oe at least, co-writing it).