I only started with this when I caught sight of the episode title "Sobriety ..." while perusing a list of TV shows and so have only seen the series 4 episodes. I have 32 years of 12 step recovery so I tuned in, and it was seriously darkly authentic. A former crisis line co-worker and I toyed around with an idea like this about 8 years ago after we had spent a whole slow evening shift recounting all the absurd stories we had heard over the years. We of course couldn't pitch it because we respect the anonymity of the rooms too much. Maron is safe because the insanity he has written into the script depicts events which are somewhat common among recovery personalities, whereas our stories were really specific and it would be a truly scary world where two or more people could have committed those acts or had those thoughts. ;-)
Were I to encounter Mark's character in the program, my reaction would be similar to that of his sponsor who is also tired of the constant pity party. I'd say. "hey, here is some cheese to go with your whine." I don't have enough time or patience for those who want help, so I'm sure not going to waste much of either on those who don't. There are literally dozens of ways to make a point that the efforts will be hopeless as long as the individual has no willingness to change, and these I am sure will appear as dialogue bits in series 04 episodes. Ep 09 was great. Mark is truly sitting on a fence, miserable where he is but completely unwilling (or full of fear) to make even a basic change for the better. Oh to have teamed him up with my 1983 sponsor Jack D., a disbarred attorney who was old school brutal when it came to recovery, and who uttered lines still relevant today. Back then, before all the 12-step offshoots, pretty much everyone with an addiction problem came to AA. One night a particular newcomer was being assessed, and when asked what he thought, Jack said "one golden shower is too many, ..." But 10 years later when I returned to that town for a visit, Golden Shower boy was the only face I recognized. You just never know who will make it.
"I was hoping I wouldn't like this" could be the funniest line spoken this year.
I can be around someone like Mark for the 20+ minutes it takes the episode to air, but in real life it would be very hard to give them my phone number without a number hard and fast ground rules attached, with "ignore" being the only option if they were violated. His character is very far from having any concept of what a healthy boundary is, and people need those to be in my life these days. But then, I recognize that the people around me today are the very same people I would have avoided in my using days
My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2