MovieChat Forums > The Canal (2014) Discussion > I haven't been creeped out by ANY horror...

I haven't been creeped out by ANY horror film until this one

Not sure why but this one had me scared sh*tless. I literally couldn't move much at all without being freaked out. The music was obviously a huge role in that. Lots of creepy fast-faced sounds going on in there!

Great film.


I totally agree. I love horror movies and I haven't been this frightened by one in a long time!! The soundscape was excellent!


I agree wholeheartedly. This movie is scary as hell. And also very disturbing, the ending was like a punch right in the face. Amazing film.


Didn't find it scary at all *shrugs*. But it was a pretty decent film.


That is if you haven't seen the original Amityville movie, Ringu, Dark Water, and the first season of American Horror Story. There are a few more I fail to remember.

Quit ya moanin


astralxromance, I highly recommend Yellowbrickroad. I am rarely creeped out by supposedly "terrifying" horror...Yellowbrickroad actually made me jump at one point. Highly recommend!

*I grieve for the strength to wake up each day with a blank canvas
and paint it to my liking.


Spent 10 minutes looking up a title "astralxromance". Finally realized why it doesn't exist.


I don't get it. Did nothing for me.


I think they do an excellent job of making us really care for David, (fantastic acting)! And we're so scared for his little boy! That sweet voice and demeanor!!! You don't want anything to happen to either one of them? And you don't want David to be blamed. Even though you're pretty suspicious all along that he did do it but is not aware of it. This is what makes this maybe true o you don't want anything to happen to either one of them? And you don't want David to be blamed. Even though you're pretty suspicious all along that he did do it but is not aware of it. This is what makes this maybe true a true horror. there is nothing more terrifying, and something horrific happening to somebody you care about. Yes, it's a story that's been told before but there really isn't anything but there really isn't anything original truly original. It's just the story of the bogeyman being ready told her over and over and creative different ways. They did a great job on this film! I turned it on just to have something playing in the background while I was cleaning and I wasn't intending on paying any attention to it and then I totally found myself caught up in it and having to rewind it. :)


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