Why would anyone sane join the Military ?.
We've all seen how badly the veterans were treated when they came home from
"fighting for our freedom" in Vietnam, they were spit on, cursed at, called childmurderers.
We've all seen how badly the veterans are treated that came and are still coming
from the Iraq+Aphgan war is getting treated.
Homeless veterans everywhere that lost their house and families because they were
sent to "fight for freedom" and then totally forgotten by their government when
they come home with mental scars and/or limbs missing...
We've all seen the coverup's of friendly fire incidents that the military tried
to hide to keep the morale up and the sense of "we're never wrong".
We've all seen what Obama did to the veterans fund, when he took billions of dollars
from it, to give to refugees that exists due to the war that same military created.
If you can't give proper support and healthcare to returning troops, then you
shouldn't send them in the first place.
So why would any sane person join?... and please don't tell me its to "defend freedom",
because that didn't really work for the 50.000 Americans that died for nothing in Vietnam.