Steve Martin Oscar

Will Steve Martin be nominated and possibly even win a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for this? The Academy's already given him an Honorary Oscar showing they like his work, and this is his first real dramatic role where the Academy could recognize him.


I don't see it happening. Even a nomination feels like a long shot.


He sticks out like a sore thumb. At least you can believe most of the other actors in their roles because they're relative unknowns, but Martin and Vin Diesel never stop being "Steve Martin" and "Vin Diesel." Not that they're not capable of good dramatic performances, but it's just another one of the film's disappointments that the performances aren't (unusually for an Ang Lee movie) very well handled.


Steve Martin will milk all his J friends in Hollywood for the nomination, as he is desperate to continue padding glory to himself that is mostly due to his connections, and not for his talent.

Martin is another SNL celebrity that lingers on for decades after he stopped being funny or talented.


The acting in this movie isn't great. Martin has had far better performances in his career than this.


Not gonna happen. Not even in an alternate universe.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


If any hopes of acting nominations were still feasible, the most realistic options would be Garrett Hedlund and Kristen Stewart. But given the lackluster performance both critically and commercially, this has as much a chance as "Taking Woodstock" had back in 2009.


Agree, I thought Garrett Hedlund and Kristin Stewart gave really good peformances, and also Joe Alwyn was very good as Billy. No offense to Steve Martin, but nothing about his performance in this movie was Oscar caliber, it was ok.


not even close to oscar worthy perfromance.. even as a supporting character.

steve is bairly in the film his texas accent was bad if he had one at all which it didn't seem like he did. he was a sleeze ball of a taxas tycoon who was in and out of the film just as quick as he showed up and delivered his lines. not even close to jerry jones if indeed he was modeled after jerry jones at all.

so no no oscar for steve. he'd be hard pressed to even get a golden globe.
