American propaganda film

Watching the trailer makes me feel this is just another promotional video for the US Army, Don't get me wrong I admire Ang Lee's work but this seems to patriotic.


Like 99% of the war films out there.


The thing is putting aside all that propaganda stuff, people have been very mixed on the film. They're been saying the technical aspects of it are good, but the story itself is not great. So it's got my interest and I definitely want to see it whether it's on the big screen or small.


I would only see it if the action was authentic and riveting. I don't give a fig about Iraq, it was a disaster and my former president George W (who I did not vote for) should be in jail. I don't want to see a sob story about what was so obviously an avoidable sob story.


War is not a damn sob story for anybody. And I didn't vote for Bush's worthless a** either.


Cowards like you sit back and let someone else do what needs to be done while you arrogantly pass judgement. You don't know the first thing about Iraq or the men and women who were there.


I know thousands of American soldiers died needlessly and in vain in Iraq. Something you'd like to add to justify this loss of life? Or am I being arrogant?


Where did he pass judgment on soldiers?


That's what happens when people don't go see regular dramas in theaters. These guys like Eastwood and Ang Lee turn to making this stuff every American would be morally obliged to see and preferably pay for because maybe that somehow benefits the veterans.


That is the opposite of what this movie is about.


Well, most of the American war movies are seemingly anti-war by showing how it affects the soldiers and the awful things they did. But you have to see the reaction of the audience to understand how these movies work. Do you think guys who like Apocalypse Now, Platoon and Full Metal Jacket are anti military? No they're popular to pro-wars people because at the end of the movie, you realize that one guy went to Hell and came back, and now has great stories to tell and people look at him like a hero. Hadn't he joined the military, his life would be boring and this movie couldn't even be made. That's only what's left after watching these movies.


I think you're trolling


I've been getting concerned about this for a long time, especially much of the terrible movies that somehow get miracled up for Best Picture nominations.

They're just getting blatantly obvious and stupid about it too.

One year, The Artist, Birdman get nominated, the next year, some war movie crap like American Sniper, Gladiator, Braveheart or film like Captain Philips gets nominated. It makes no sense. The fix is clearly in.


all movies are american propaganda, even the ones that seem against them and ones made in other countries, they completely control the narrative and determine every floor and ceiling. it is just how the powers do things.
