Billy Lynn's life after his Halftime Walk
It is fine to watch the movie and to read the book but let's at least examine what life would be like if this movie was real...
Billy Lynn's magical journey actually begins when he has to adapt to the real world after being in combat. This list may or may not be something Billy Lynn has to deal with and ultimately have no control over concerning the aspects of his life.
1. Explosions/fireworks/loud noises cause Billy's mind to enter "fight or flight" mode. The brain automatically triggers this response and Billy will experience panic or anger immediately.
2. Because Billy's brain is a damaged from experiencing explosions and weapon fire, Billy isn't able to fully communicate verbally to other's around him and random panic attacks may occur for random reasons. Because of this, he has difficulty maintaining a job even with providing his job with legal documentation stating his disability. His supervisors and coworkers think he's "weird".
3. Doctor appointments! Billy will have possibly two or three doctor appointments a month. Hopefully Billy can take off work for the hour to two hours to attend them all! Billy doesn't get to choose the time of his appointments either. I'm sure Billy's job will understand! He is a hero after all!
4. Billy also get's to enjoy night terrors. Spooky ghosts that attack you in the night at any given time. Billy never gets tired of waking up in panic because someone is screaming to discover it was himself all along! Hopefully he will be well rested for work!
5. Billy also get's to explain his disability to other's! Even if he doesn't want to remember the events he still gets to explain everything in detail! Billy's girlfriends will love his stories about night terrors, panic attacks, and his PTSD! Telling someone you have PTSD doesn't automatically make people think you are a basket case at all! Don't forget to explain all the medicine you are taking to your girlfriend's and family! I'm sure they will understand!
The truth isn't pretty and at least now people will realize why so many military veterans are homeless and honestly, don't want anything to do with the outside world. Military Veterans want to be involved in the world but the world does not want to be involved with them.