MovieChat Forums > Burnt (2015) Discussion > Why Are All The Finest Chefs Homosextual...

Why Are All The Finest Chefs Homosextuals?

What has fine dining become? Like ballet?

How would a macho, masculine male, survive in this atmosphere?

Look at the hotel manager, lusting after the head chef. Kissing each other, and many other HomoErotic scenes?


I'm sure you're aware that movies are not, and don't represent, reality. And if you're wondering about machismo in commercial kitchens, read anything by Anthony Bourdain. Highly entertaining, definitely down and dirty.


Are they? I thought the opposite was true.



Ask Robert Irvine. He did pretty well for himself.


"many other HomoErotic scenes"? Really? Your obviously caught a lot of subtext that I missed. And what statistics do you have to back up your claim that "all the finest chefs are homosexuals"? Maybe you're just a little insecure in your own masculinity and so see gayness wherever you look.


I did not see so much as one gay chef in this film. Nor have I in other similar films I have watched. Nor in the real world where I eat out at quality restaurants on a regular basis.
I suggest that if you read so much into two men kissing in a joyful moment, something that is very common in Europe and the Middle East and Russia and even in French Canada, in fact common in most of the world outside the puritan states of America, perhaps you need to talk to a mental health professional because you appear to have serious problems with your sexuality.
