Nev's sexual orientation

I've been puzzled by it ever since I started watching the show. I know in the movie he got catfished by a woman, but many of his antics and demeanor makes me question if he is straight or not. In the one episode with the one black co-host, he and Nev were acting incredibly flirtatious towards eachother and even kissed eachother on the cheek. I'm not homophobic nor think it's wrong if he is gay, but it's been bothering me because no one has ever confirmed it for me whether he is or not.


they have shown his girlfriend, and also chelsea handler came right out and asked and he said he's straight.


Thanks for the info. Every time I asked my friends and people who watch Catfish they always would tell me they were unsure or that they think he's pansexual.


If he was gay i think he'd be out of the closet by now because he is very open minded and seems to be supportive of other gay and lesbians on the show. I kind of like that he is not trying to over compensate and be all macho like a lot of guys can do



Max is married, Nev has a girlfriend. I can't imagine either of them hiding being gay, if they were. But they are not.

Now two men can't just be friends? They have to be a gay couple? It's so silly.


It's not that silly if their interactions and body language raises questions among even open-minded people. Lol

There are many gay people that date and marry the opposite sex, many that are open-minded about sexuality, but remain ion the closet to appease relatives, Many don't address their own gayness until late in their lives for whatever reason. So having a wife or girlfriend doesn't really mean anything set in stone.

We don't know what Nev is up to when the camera's off. We have a right to wonder, but we don't have a right to know. So for speculation sake and the fun of it, let's just say he and Max are an "Ambiguously Gay Duo". Lol


sandifay you watch too much SNL, LMAO




He is engaged to Laura Perlongo a writer at ATTN who is pregnant with their first child.

29 // Navy Vet


When I first saw the show I thought Nev and Max were both gay.


He seemed really into Karreuche when she co-hosted. I don't see him hiding it if he was.


I have always maintained that Nev is bisexual, but happens to be in relationship with a woman. I am not sure why people have so much trouble grasping that concept. He does flirt with both men and women, although I am pretty sure that at this point, he and Max play it up for the camera, simply because of the rumors and attention this generates.
