Joanna and Bo

Both of them lied. Joanna kind of creeped me out with the huge fake eyelashes and overdone makeup and what appeared to be fake boobs. And the tattoos....yikes. During the entire show she kept brushing back her hair on one side, then taking the bottom of it and flipping it around. Drove me crazy! Of the two of them I found Bo to be the nicest person.


She looked like a hot mess, and also needed a bra


It was nice finally seeing an episode again that wasn't obviously fake though. It actually seemed real to me. Either that, or they're hiring MUCH better actors now.


Ugly neck and face tattoos meeting with Manny from Modern Family.


I agree with you and thought Joanna was repulsive. The hair flipping thing was annoying.


I actually think it's kind of sad, when someone (for whatever reason) goes to such extremes to change their appearance. I will admit, I had pretty much the same reaction to seeing Joanna, as most everyone did. With everything she had done to herself, she just looked.. weird. Not pretty, at all. The strange thing is, I think she was probably very pretty, before all that.

Add to that, even with the lies and all.. I found Ana (aka "Bo") to be such a sweetheart. I understand Joanna being upset, but she handled herself and the whole situation so poorly.
