Do you think...

Nev and/or Max have ever hooked up with any of the girls that have been on the show? I was watching last night and for some reason that thought crossed my mind. I'm not sure or have anyone specific in mind, just wondering what others think. Maybe even one of the co-hosts? I know their camera/sound crew are always around, but being that they always stay in the same hotel together its the perfect opportunity. Plus if the girls are feeling vulnerable, looking for a rebound or just to feel close to someone considering what they're going through, I suppose it could've happened. And both of them seem sympathetic, caring and obviously listen to the girls. I at least think they've had the chance or could have.

If that ever happened and got out I don't think it would bode well for them or the show.


Nev was looking through that guys phone hoping to find naked pics of Ursula

πŸ’ŽYou couldn't lace up my Chuck TaylorsπŸŒΈπŸ’Ž


Ursula was kinda scary. I'm not sure why she puts the magic marker eyebrows on.


Miss you all

πŸ’ŽYou couldn't lace up my Chuck TaylorsπŸŒΈπŸ’Ž


Maybe the blonde. She was gorgeous. But no, not the goth chick


Nev and Max are more likely to get friend zoned. They just have that gay best friend vibe.


Hahah yeah right Wanderer. Those two get so much trim. I see the chicks hitting on them on Twitter and Facebook. It's rather shocking.

And yeah I bet they sleep with a few of these people. My guess is that stripper mom got it from Max.


That Zac dude was the creepiest goober. He looks like some kind of predator and I mean notes on these women? I just wanted to kick him in the teeth!

But really, what was up with that goth chick's brows? Like she used acrylic paint.


She didn't look at all like her profile pic :/ And yeah, her eyebrows were NOT good!


"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect


I can't see Max hooking up with any the girls of the week because he's married, and they seem pretty solid.

Nev...well he's a different story. I could see him running through girls like water.


Nev would probably punch them before he sleeps with them. He's done it before anyway.


Max has been married a long time so, no. Nev recently got engaged and is expecting a child but has been dating a couple years, I believe. I thought maybe in the beginning when Nev was crying about being single that something would happen with someone on the show. But that's been off the table for a few years now.


I don't see Max cheating or hooking up. I don't know him personally, but I just get the vibe that he wouldn't.

I could totally see Nev doing it. I hate his fake white knighting shtick. Some guys pretend to be the good guy and the nice guy to make it with women. I could see Nev running through these sad desperate ladies. It's especially possible for me because of his past history of uhhhh abusiveness with women.
