About Nev's recent tweet

So I saw an article on Google Now about Nev's recent tweet. As a Nev fan, that was a disappointment. Saw his apology and it seemed so heartfelt that I wanted to believe it, but it just seemed so empty. A tweet like his original one was something I'd expect from a racist Twitter troll, not from Nev's perpetual White Knight persona. So I did a little investigating... ;)

I googled the Nev tweet incident and found an article on pajuba. Found out from the comment section that Nev was a notorious psycho at his school. He frequently freaked out at females on campus. It got so bad that students signed a petition to have him kicked out. He finally got kicked out for punching a girl in the face. Now that he's famous he says he mistook her for a man and it was self-defense. The victim and numerous other witnesses says otherwise. Apparently his family has money, and it's his mom who got him into the school and managed to have him last that long. But even mommy's money can't protect when attacks another student.

Everyone can research it on their own, there are numerous articles about him and his fakeness and his old classmates usually pop up (the hate is that strong).

I've made up my mind: now I'm only watching Catfish for Max, and I'll view Nev's solo scenes as his audition tapes for American Psycho:the remake.
Now I'm viewing his past freakouts on the show in a whole new light...


I personally don't think it's that bad as long as it's just a sort of joke. Not a joke I like per se, but not meant to be malicious. Even this board talks about how many episodes feature black Catfish. But he does sound like a secret douche.


I hadn't heard about this tweet. Here's a link to a story about it:


It was stupid but it was, basically, a statement of fact, at least based on what we see on the show. Obviously poor judgement on his part to tweet that though.


I think it was a shady joke and he would've got backlash regardless, BUT Nev really tweeted it at the worst time. Don't tweet something like that during Black Girls Rock! where a lot of black girls are going to be on Twitter in the first place. And the tweet, to me, made it seem like he didn't even realize the context of why black girls catfish often as he stated. Probably because they feel like nobody wants them or they get passed up for other women, I mean most of the pictures used to catfish are of racially ambiguous/ mixed looking women.

Made You Look




Nev wouldn't of gotten as much backlash if he didn't tweet when Black Girls Rock! was playing live.

Made You Look


So Nev's comment is called out but Rihanna's racial superiority comment is okay?




^ Yeah I read those articles sometime last year. I remember the first main red flag to me. There was an episode last year I think with this very bizarre girl talking about living with a man up in a mountain. She was the Catfish and people said she was the typical kind of psycho girl...very manipulative, playing games, mean, even possibly dangerous, all that...very dark. And when they met her in person she seemed just as creepy, very defensive, putting on this total act...

And to HER, of all people, Nev said something like how he understands where she is coming from, because he sees a lot of himself in her...or something.

I was like...wait what?? haha. then I read those other things and was like aaah okay he's definitely a weirdo too then. Maybe this show is some weird kind of penance, or trying to work through his own stuff, or trying to convince himself he's...more mature than all that now? who knows. Channeling his creepy energy into something good, as in helping other people not get manipulated. Or he gets off on it. Catching other manipulators. Who knows the inner workings of his mind


Wow that counts as something offensive ? Wow we are soft


Everything is considered 'racist' these days.


I've never put Nev or Max on a pedestal. They're just guys and Nev seems the type that puts on a nice guy front but can be a douche at home. He also seems the type to not know what's appropriate to say. I think his tweet was meant in humopr, but he's too ignorant to understand how wrong it was.


Personally I think he was just trying to get in a plug for his show and didn't think about how it would come across till he heard the backlash.

"They have a grill, it's this grill. Now you have it...it's called America."


He strikes me a bit as someone who has ADHD and I can tell you, as someone who has it, that we don't always have control of our mouths (or our fingers.) You wouldn't believe some of the things that I've said and then I was like "Did I seriously just say that?!" I know better, of course, but my mouth has a life of its own at times.


I don't think what Nev said was offensive at all. He stated a fact. Facts aren't racist. Facts are facts. From what he's seen, black women catfish more than others. And yes society has problems and causes them to feel the need to but it doesn't make it any less true.


So, explain to me how you think a lot of catfishing comes from black women, when the show seems to show a lot of white people catfishing. If anything, the show can come off bias and make people think that only white people catfish.

As far as Nev's empty apology, it could very be just that. He has the "everybody loves me" attitude and thus, if he apologize for anything, everyone will say, "No worries Nev. We still love you."

Agree with the person that said that Nev is probably a douche in real life. I'm waiting for his fiance to tell her horrid story of being with Nev.

I didn't care for Max when the show first was in, but I like Max more than Nev, really.

I will forever watch the show as long as it's on. There, I admitted it.

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.


Nev can and will do anything for "free publicity"

A few years ago he tweeted a picture of himself on an elevator saying it was abuse free and how men should respect women.

Pretty great right?

Wait , I forgot to mention that this was just part of him promoting his upcoming book at the time where the incident where he punched a girl was described. Silly me.

He had sent early copies to some magazines for reviews and the people that read it brought up this incident. The usual people from his university were in the comments as you mention and his apology was mainly based on go buy the upcoming book, it will explain everything.
