MovieChat Forums > Catfish: The TV Show (2012) Discussion > Ok dousch bags (hosts) you guys are IDIO...

Ok dousch bags (hosts) you guys are IDIOTS!!

I just watched the "Catherine & Graham" one. He did NOTHING wrong. He had every right to talk to a girl, and have feelings for her, Internet wise. But when you creepily track him down, like freaks, and show up with the dam girls, as she keeps pulling at her hair like a psycho, wtf do you EXPECT him to say "Oh hi, how are you, I love you. Here's a heartfelt front of these 2 weirdo's you brought with you, with a camera crew". Then you guys act like HE'S the di*k?? Wow. That's all I can say. Wow. No one's breakin any laws here. So wtf right do you dousch' have to track anyone down? Just cuz it happened to you in real life? (The host guy) Especially in this episode, you had no right to show up with a camera crew. He obviously is a private person, now he's got you.....who flew here with a camera crew! confronting him. Yea, excuse him for reacting in an off putting way. Dam, girls are F-ing psycho sometimes. I know guys are too. But girls are on such more of a crazy level. Get over it. The guy OBVIOUSLY just wanted to keep it an Internet thing. Ya crazy B.


You've already posted the same thing several times. You're calling people names, when you seem like a weirdo?


At least I know grammar. Nice question mark after your last sentence ya dumb a*s. No, I didn't write the same thing before, btw ya fool.


What's a dousch? Is that like a dowsing rod?

OP you're an idiot. You talk like one and spell like one. You also fail to realize that the catfish is the person who contacts MTV to initiate the meet. So in reality they didn't stalk Graham and run him down. He contacted MTV. Reality shows aren't reality. Also he knew what he did was messed up. And you're right, he broke no laws. Cheating on your spouse isn't against the law either but it's still a douche thing to do.

It's really cute how you believe everything you see on TV to be real by the way. As if Nev actually stalks and goes up to strangers without their knowledge. Haven't you ever wondered why the catfish don't have their faces pixelated? They have to sign a release giving MTV permission to use them on television. So you're way off base thinking Nev shows up to be a big meanie to the unsuspecting catfish.


Lol, you're a fool. And I don't spell wrong idiot. I write from my iPhone, and I write fast. So sometimes it chooses a different word, or I hit the wrong letter. Sue me. You get the gist of what in saying, right? Then don't be an idiot. And what's a dousch?? are. Keep defending these two dumb a*s hosts. lol.


You do spell wrong, idiot. And guess what? I type from my iPhone too. And I type fast as well. I also have the ability to read as I type so I can see if I make any major spelling errors. I then correct them because it's not rocket science. And yeah I defended the hosts because what you said was dumb as all hell and made no sense. You don't know anything and I'm guessing are still in school right?


I agree with you...the hosts are really stupid. They basically stalk the guys and girls on the show and then make them feel bad for an Internet love affair. No one has broken any laws and the two hosts are acting like creeps toward people.




Except they're not. The catfish contacts MTV to come clean. They want to come clean and know what they're getting into. There is no stalking done. Don't you ever notice how almost every episode has Nev just flat out calling the catfish to ask for a meeting? And how the catfish never once declines or doesn't show up on the entire show. Oh and lastly, they have to sign a waiver to allow their image to be shown on television. So yeah no one goes into this innocently.


I think anyone that is talking down on Nev&Max is missing the point of the show. They supposedly get people to meet each other because nobody should get away with playing with people's minds. Doesn't matter that no laws are broken. Are you two people really that low that you'd think it's okay to mess around with someone's emotions and never face up to any consequences?
HOWEVER- I will say that a good deal of the "victims" are also imbeciles. No way in h*** would I keep talking to someone who says that in 2016 their phone doesn't have a camera! You can buy cheap prepaid phones with cameras! Never would I send money to someone without at least skyping or snapchatting to see live pics. So I do think some of the "victims" had it coming to them. But some of these catfishers are real scumbags and should not get away with what they do.


However, them showing up out of the blue is not what it seems. If you look at the culprit's house when Navel and Maxed Out show up, the houses are equipped with cameras and recording equipment (like timers and such). In addition, everyone has a sign a release to be on TV, so none of the arrivals are surprises.

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.


Wasting someone's time and lying is doing something wrong. And they didn't track him down without his permission. He agreed to meet them. If he wanted to keep it an internet relationship he could have said that from day one instead of giving her hope about marriage and all that crap. If it was me I would have stopped talking to him but she wanted closure and there's nothing wrong with that. If you want privacy and a long distance relationship you can be upfront about it instead of lying like a DOUCHE. Plain and simple.


It's dousch. Look in the dictionary. Your pic is next to it. I realize they contacted him ya dumb a*s! STILL. Who cares?? It's still creepy as sh*t to show up like that, and go through all the trouble. I mean actual plane rides for this dumb crap?? Gimme a break.


You type like a child. That's been the idea behind the show the whole time. Don't like it? Change the channel. You must have a lot of free time to be complaining about something you don't like when you can just focus on the shows you do like. And it's certainly "douche" where I'm from. Like the one you can pull out of your ass.


Hahaha man you're making a fool of yourself. It's not dousch. No matter how many times you say it is. It doesn't make it so. Also you first claimed it was a typo because you type fast, and now you say it's the right spelling. So which is it? Pro tip: it's spelled douchebag. Which is a device used to administer a douche. Learn your insults, kiddo.

And no you didn't realize they contacted them or you wouldn't have made your post. Now you want to save face from looking like an idiot. How the sh*t is it creepy for them to do their job? To do what the catfish contacted them to do? Christ almighty you're so dumb. Yeah they go on an actual plane ride because that's what the show is about. Crazy I know. You seem like maybe you're ashamed of being a catfish yourself. I would say be yourself, but judging from how you talk I don't think that would work.


Umm why exactly are you so up in arms against this whole process? The point of Catfish has never necessarily been about catching people for committing crimes this is not to Catch a Predator or anything it's about people getting the truth and getting closure so they can move on. All these people have to consent in order for any of this to make the air and I bet Graham got a nice fat paycheck out of this gig. If you really think that Graham was totally upfront and direct then I am not sure you understand how social interactions really work you have to give and take and I am sure Catherine was at fault as well she did stand him up for a meeting once but Graham should have been more upfront and honest with her. Obviously Catherine was stupid for reaching out to a stranger online and emotionally investing in an ongoing relationship with this person online without knowing very much about him but that doesn't make it okay to keep someone on a string at a distance and then expect them to never want to investigate what your deal is. You invite people into your life when you invest that sort of time into them.


Exactly. OP is obviously slow AF and seems like the type of person to waste his time catfishing people. Losers usually defend this kind of behavior.


Yeah WaningMoonMage. He's a bit of an idiot.
