MovieChat Forums > Catfish: The TV Show (2012) Discussion > Catfishes look like you would imagine

Catfishes look like you would imagine

Maybe it's just me, but almost all these Catfishes look like someone I would imagine doing that.

Anyone else? It's really easy to guess who these people really are and what they actually look like. The Catfishes don't really have a whole lot of variety. It's usually the same types of people- desperate, haters, and fat.


Oh definitely lol.
There have even been a couple of episodes that I have skipped forward to the "reveal" simply because I was so confident what the catfish would be like....And I've always been right.
Fat and unattractive. Every time.


there have been some slender ones. I've been surprised by some of them. but they mostly have been less attractive than the pictures they used. That's why they use fake pictures.




The show really should be renamed Fatfish.



You forgot sociopathic. These people have zero remorse or feeling for other people. If they are unloved, it's because they never get off the damn sofa.



There actually are a couple episodes where they aren't ugly or they used a pic of someone else that was actually the same attraction level as they are. There was one episode where Nev and Max were like "But you're cute! Why wouldn't you use your own pics?!" Some people have some weird motives and it's not always about insecurity.


Yeah, I remember those episodes. It does happen, but the majority of the catfishes can be broken down into a few categories.



