The Joanna and Bo episode
...sorry i had a backlog of 3 episodes on my DVR, and just watched this one..
Good gosh was Joanna a nutjob, or what?
A) She is the one who wussed out on their earlier attempt to meet up.
B) Who invites the FRIEND of someone they are talking to online but haven't met out to Las Vegas?
C) She then proceeds to make out with said-"friend", and then acts surprised when "Bo" hears about this and dumps her.
D) She slaps Ana and tells her she's not gonna hug her
E) When Ana is in a relationship now, she says "whats up with that? Put in a good word for me."
Ana lied as well, but i guess i can kinda sympathize there because i have had that issue with online dating, in the past, where you put your picture up and you just do NOT get any responses. I actually found that NO picture had me getting luckier then my picture.
It was frustrating. So i get where she was coming from. Still not cool, but I feel like everything that Joanna pulled was worse.
"Luke Skywalker has vanished."