Brendan and McKenna

I watched that episode again, today, and was disgusted with Brendan. The guy is a pig. McKenna shouldn't have catfished him but at least her feelings for him were real and she seemed very sweet. Brendan said he had no feelings for her and never had and then we find out that he was hiding the fact that they had a friends with benefits thing going for a few years. So basically he used her for sex while having no feelings for her and then he doesn't get why she is obsessed with him. He's a P.O.S. and she's way too good for him.


I just finished watching this episode now. I think there is a lot of background information that the audience isn't privy to. I'm going to base my opinion on what was showed.

I originally liked Brandon, but my opinion of him diminished the more I watched him. It seemed like he was just leading her on for sex. Some other things he said really didn't make any sense.

Khawhatever her name is/Mckenna just needs to move on. I think she is a major babe and I'm not sure why Brandon seems so repelled by her. I mean obviously her behavior would be a red flag, but not a total deal breaker to me. I would just put her on friend probation.

I don't know... he needs stop being such a sap when it comes to women and not let a person have that much power over his life.


Because some guys have such a tight checklist of impossible standards and deal breakers, that no girl could ever live up to.

Unfortunately, girls that have had sex with these guys, are usually not considered "girlfriend material" because they're viewed as easy or loose. However, these dirtbags string them along as a backup plan.


I think it's funny. Why would these perfect girls ever have sex with a guy like that? These guys are 5's looking for 10's. It doesn't work that way.


That girl is pretty and seems sweet. Brandon is a douche. If he doesn't like her he shouldn't call her for a booty call.

Watching the episode right now, the poor girl is crying over him. I hope she finds someone that will appreciate her.
