Star Wars Bloodline... Claudia Gray is one of the best Star Wars books I've ever read, and probably the best Star Wars book I've read in decades.

Most of the perspective of the book is from Princess Leia, taking place six years before Episode 7, it deals with the political intrigue of the New Republic Senate, conspiracies, plots, and adventure. Characters are easy to relate to and are memorable. I wish they'd make a movie of this book!

If you didn't like Episode 7, this book is for you, because it literally makes Episode 7 a much better movie and now I'm really looking forward to Episode 8. Yes, it's a little silly it took a book to do that for me, but whether you're a fan of Disney's sequel movie or not, get this book and read it. Fantastic.



I've been wanting to read that book for a while, and I'll definitely read it when I can find it!

I have to ask, did Bloodline have any of Ben/Kylo? He's probably my favorite character of Force Awakens (despite, perhaps even because of, his flaws) and I'm interested in learning more of his backstory.

This summer, I started delving into the Star Wars EU books; I've read 16 so far. Some good, some bad. Thrawn was amazing. The Callistra books were awful.


Without spoiling anything, Ben is only mentioned a number of times, from Leia's perspective, and a handful of times from other characters. This book definitely lays out one of the key reasons Ben made the choices he did leading to Ep7 though! :)

I was VERY scared of the new Star Wars canon due to my distaste for Star Wars Aftermath by Chuck Wendig, I had to skim after getting through half the book because I couldn't take the terrible writing anymore. Way too many characters and the reading is just poor, though I haven't checked out his two sequel books to see if they are any better, perhaps one day.

From the original Expanded Universe, the Thrawn Trilogy is masterful, and I REALLY LIKE the Jedi Academy Trilogy and Darksaber dealing with Admiral Daala and Captain Pallaeon. Shadows of the Empire, between ESB and ROTJ, was also pretty good--I have the comic book and the game, which further compliment my hardcover book. I wouldn't mind at all if Disney incorporated Shadows into canon, Dash Rendar is a great character.


Alright. At least he's included. Sounds cool. c;

That's disappointing about the Aftermath book. I was looking forward to reading that series, but I haven't been able to get ahold of the first book. Oh well.

I also liked the Jedi Academy Trilogy and also the Corellian Trilogy, although not quite as much as Thrawn. The Empire part of Darksaber was enough to keep me reading. I almost threw Planet of Twilight across the room and gave up on it, but I still had to know how it ended. I think I have Shadows of the Empire sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read; if so, that'll probably be the next one I read.


Shadows is my favorite EU novel.
