So, on another thread I mentioned that Kylo Ren being a fail at life is an argument for another post, and here it is. What do y'all think of Kylo? Is he an emo crybaby or a badass warrior? Weak or strong? One-dimensional or complex? Could be bring balance to the Force?
Personally, I think he's an intriguing character. Yeah, his temper tantrums are a bit over the top, but it's better to destroy things than go on a killing spree. Kylo's character is somewhat complex, and has promise. He wants to be Dark, but still feels called to the Light. Snoke said that Kylo has a nice blend of Dark and Light, or something along those lines. But Kylo still seems to mess up more than he succeeds. However, he can stop a blast in mid air, and fight after being hit in the side with a bowcaster, which are rather impressive feats.
Is he whiny, strong, complex, one-dimensional and badass?
At this point, I feel it's fair to say he's all of that, and as a result that makes him a compelling character imo. His character is far from fully-developed, and since this was his introduction, I think he was great overall. He's conflicted, but he has certainly shown to be ruthless and ultimately will be a force (no pun) to be reckon with.
Lol, good points. His character is definitely still being fleshed out, and hopefully we'll get deeper into his motivations and personality as the movies progress. He does seem to be a little bit of everything if you look at it a certain way... well, not /everything/ but you get the idea. Thanks for the thoughtful response!
I don't like the character at all, for a few reasons:
1) He doesn't look like Han or Leia. The best thing about Padme Amidala was that she somewhat resembled Leia. The best thing about Rey, is that she somewhat resembled Padme & Leia. (yes, Rey will be a Skywalker, Luke's family line, the episodes will always be about the Skywalker family.)
2) He killed his own father. Like come on. You haven't talked to him in years and here he is reaching out to you, and you go and off him. Give me a break. 20,000,000,000 die on the Republic planets, doesn't bat an eye... yeah, you're pure evil buddy.
3) Actually goes on a tantrum during Episode 7, wacking a computer console with his weird lightsaber, crying out. You're no Darth Vader that's for sure. "I will finish what you started"... Umm, Vader didn't start anything, he turned to the light side of the force and became Anakin again, and he killed Palpatine--as far as we know.
4) Not very good with a lightsaber, gets bested by Rey, and yeah Rey may have had major lightsaber training in her past, but we the audience don't really know that yet.
Of course I respect your opinion, this is a "debate" after all.
1) Good point. They could have cast an actor that resembled Han and Leia more, but his unsymmetrical face somewhat similar to Han's... in some ways. I try not to judge characters or people solely on appearance, though.
2) He has problems, no doubt about it. I think the thing with Han was that Snoke said it would make him stronger to destroy all evidence of his life before falling to the Dark Side or something along those lines. So Kylo tried to, clearly distressed in the scene, but it didn't work how he wanted it to. The way he watched the planets be destroyed was hard to judge how he was feeling: he could have been marveling at the destruction, or sobered at the thought of how many people do die.
3) His temper tantrums were definitely over the top, no questions there. He's also disillusioned about Darth Vader: I believe he was never informed about how Vader turned to the Light in the end.
4) He was hit with a f***ing bowcaster. That thing killed people with ease, and he decided to go fight instead. He was also off kilter from the experience of killing his father.
His parents and uncle were heroes, and that probably followed him wherever he went growing up. Things like, "Oh, I wish you were more like your father," or "What great things will you accomplish?" or "Your uncle would never do something like that!" He was probably cracking under all the social pressure and looking for escape, which is where Snoke could have come in, saying something like, "You may not be your parents, but your grandfather was even better than them. You can be just like him. Follow me, and you will be stronger than in your wildest dreams."