Smart? Not really, what did they think was going to happen if the mob ever finds out who they are, buy them dinner or something? No, do this to the mob and your ass is grass and that's basically what became of them.
I mean, it's not a terrible idea because mobsters usually carry lots of cash but even with NY's gun laws and whatnot, you have to assume that wiseguys are probably armed when in those social clubs. Which means, you're taking a pretty big risk in robbing these guys. But then again, you're taking a big risk to rob anyone.
Pretty good movie though, I'd like to know what's fact and fiction about it. Like did Jerry really offer them tickets to leave the country? If he did, obviously they should have taken him up on the offer. And did Tommy really make the mobsters hump each other? lol.. that was pretty funny. And how much was Tommy's father involved with the mob? Or was this just added to the story? And did Tommy really say his father's name at the robbery scenes? If so, that was pretty dumb to do that...
But yeah, I'd say the current IMDB rating (6.3) is about right. It's not smashing but it's above average.