I just saw 'Rob the Mob' at Upstate Films Theater last night. Michael Pitt was in it which drew me to the screen. In the movie Tommy Uva (Michael Pitt) & Rosie (Nina Arianda) become known as Bonnie & Clyde. It shows the back story of Jerry Cardozo's (Ray Romano), a crime reporter, and how he's getting in contact with Rosie & putting them into the newspaper. In the terms of the newspaper all hell is breaking loose! Just so you know, Ray Romano still can't act, has that monotone voice, never will be able to act, ever. that's the only downfall of the movie. There's a sort of intimacy & a strong appeal in this crime drama film. For example, the two 'wise guys' or 'mafia', one of which is Andy Garcia, decided to write the wording down through the tomato sauce pan because they didn't want to say it out loud & they were communicating through this. The way the music played out with it was brilliant and there was chemistry overload! Overall I thought it was an upbeat movie. Here's the trailer, but as you watch the trailer, you're also kinda spoiling it. Same goes with 75% of films out there.
Hope you enjoyed my outlook on 'Rob the Mob' film!!