MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015) Discussion > Anyone else have a panic attack watching...

Anyone else have a panic attack watching this?

Okay, so a little background: I am a high-functioning autistic and have seen many movies-including horrors-both in and out of the theatre, and have experienced ZERO issues.

Come Halloween of last year, I went to go see this movie with my dad, stepmom, and brother (who is super into horror movies). Not even 15 minutes into the movie, I start feeling nauseous and leave the theatre to go throw up. I then reach the bathroom and sit in a stall, but the nausea goes away and I go back into the theatre, thinking all I needed was a breather and that I should be fine for the rest of the movie. BIG MISTAKE. The ENTIRE FREAKIN' MOVIE, I am trying desperately to keep my eyes away from the screen, my heart is pounding in my chest, one of my arms is tingling, and my left leg is shaking, leading me to believe I was having a heart attack (I later googled and found out it was actually a panic attack). I then talked to another theatregoer after the movie, who revealed she was just as frightened as I was. Which begs the question: Did anyone else get panic attacks during this movie, or was I the only one?


I always jump and become anxious during these movies but I've never experienced anything like this.


Nope, but I do get weird sensations in my body when the bumping effects start coming up signaling a jump scare.

I still love these movies. I'm an easy to entertain, jump scare junkie.


Are you Brendan's GF?


No, I don't know anyone named Brendan. Why?


I remember watching the first one and I was so freaked out. I love scary movies and the paranormals are just about the only ones that can leave me terrified lol
Well when watching the first one in the theater, I remember a girl behind us starting throwing up and I remember being scared *beep* thinking she was possessed lmao but I guess maybe she was going through what you were going through?


I actually remember when we saw 3 in the movie theatre, my family was laughing at how scared everyone was getting, and one scene a girl was so scared she left, but a scary part happened as she came back in and screamed, when we left the theatre I saw the girl being comforted by her mother, poor thing, ha ha


Maybe it set off a warning or an instinct to get out of there. I have never had that, but they make the theaters either ice cold or the heat is on too high. I'm sure that can make it worse with the loud speakers. If it's particularly loud I can't stand it myself.
