MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015) Discussion > I'm pretty sure the writers had no idea ...

I'm pretty sure the writers had no idea what the hell was going on.

Plain and simple. Paranormal Activity was never meant to be a series in the first place. The original was a box office hit and I think so was the second. Anyway, this movie makes no sense at all. I tried thinking about it but decided to not care because all it did was make me feel dumb.

I'm sure the writers had no clue what was going on too. I loved the first one and til this day its still the scariest movie ever. But this was without a doubt one of the worst things I've seen in years. The story makes no sense and does not add up anything.


Chris Landon wrote every sequel from PA 2 to the Marked ones accept this one. Certain things Chris himself created that was not in the original PA movie. He created the whole "time travel thing". So considering he wrote 4 of the sequels I think HE should have been the one responsible for writing this one. He had to have a had a plan in his head to finish this series. It couldn't have been "well guys sorry I don't have any more ideas for this series so hire someone else, good luck!"


Why didn't Chris Landon write the Ghost Dimension? IMO, it worked as the 'finale' of the franchise but his influence would of caused less issues, and where the heck was our beloved Katie? A non physical reference to the main stair of the 'series' just didn't fit her role, even a small appearance, like entering the house and getting Leila into the 'Portal' after Toby slaughtered the family would of been perfect for her, and where was Molly Ephraim starring as Ali Rey? That just doesn't compute to me.


This didn't feel like a finale at all. All it did was get worse and cause more questions. iF it was a final film Katie would have been in it


Well if it wasn't a finale, wouldn't they of said so?


I just realized something about this movie. Yes Producer and creator said its the last one, but I got news maybe not so much here in the US but I checked the box office results worldwide and while not as big a hit as the previous movies, this one still made money. Added to that the title to this movie doesn't have "Final" in it at all. No "Paranormal Activity: The Final Chapter." So if they want to make another one I'm game because this series needs to go out with a bang and not a Wimper that is this movie.


I agree wholeheartedly and to be honest, though I didn't feel this way when I was in the theatres, It actually doesn't even feel like an official conclusion, more like something that a group of fans came up with, a true conclusion influenced by Chris's ideas would have so much more, and feel more realistic, because the films have always made you feel as if these events actually took place, The Ghost Dimension directed by Gregory Plotkin was a total 'Hollywood' flick that had no idea about the Mythology or even the Coven making a deal with Toby which was how it all began in the FIRST place, no creative scares to top the famous kitchen scenes in 3 2 4, they focused more on Toby's appearance than Mythology and turned him into a cliché antichrist plot point with NO dimension or uniqueness that separates him from the typical Horror Demons, I mean, come on, holy water burns him and his 'plan' was related to the 666 cliché which is something Chris managed to avoid while letting us know Toby is a demon' AND the main star 'Katie Featherston' was gone, that's a joke.

Believe it or not, I actually heard the reason Ms Featherston was absent because
she fought with the production of The Ghost Dimension, I bet she was pi**ed that Chris was replaced by the series editor and the fans of the franchise would not get a proper conclusion or even a good movie, just sad. We need the true finale given by Chris himself.

It makes me kinda angry because if it were really the finale, it would not have bombed as it did and ended with a whimper with the most awful box office ratings.

Even better than a sequel, we legitimately need a remake, because this was just... no.


Do you have a link or anything to what you heard about Katie? I really want to know why she was not in this movie. I remember a few months months before the release of the movie I read an article from the producer or somebody who Katie Featherstone WOULD be in this movie, so they lied to the fans there. When I saw it theaters I kinda thought maybe the movie was just running to long and they cut her part out for time, I got the Blu Ray thinking maybe she was in a deleted scene or something, NOPE. I really want to know the reason why she's absent here.


I remember that too, they EVEN lied to the fans, I can't believe that.

In fact I have the exact false promise in 'text' right here.

But the best part of the project, Plotkin says, was spilling the beans. Actress Katie Featherston is back as the adult Katie, who gives the best evil, possessed grin in the business.

SHE wasn't even IN IT! There is NO excuse for that lie, they practically toyed with fans emotions just to get their big bucks.

And Plotkin was the series editor, WHO the hell made him in control of the whole movie?

It probably isn't the finale and they'll go back to it once they realize what a mistake
they've made.


AGREEEEEED so glad someone else feels exactly the same way as me


I'll admit that I tried to be positive about it before, I enjoyed the 3D experience in the movie theatre with my family but mostly for the effects and loud sounds, but being optimistic is now just stupid. I do not consider it canon, even TMO was better.
