I just finished watching

It was jumpy and crazy I enjoyed it. This one was way better than the marked ones. Loved the house they used.


I'd have to admit it started off great, but the lack of creative and unique scares was disappointing, it'd be awesome if they made a kitchen scene that managed to top all 4 kitchen scenes from the previous films.

The house was even BIGGER than the previous houses, wonder where it's located?


The house in The Ghost Dimension was either Kristy and Katie's old house, or the one owned by their grandmother, as seen at the end of Paranormal Activity 3. That's why Dennis' old video camera and box of tapes were found by the family.


No, I meant where it's located in real life.

It was built over Katie and Kristi's old house, but we we're never told where the 'camera' came from or the box of tapes, no one was there to compile the 1998 footage, unless Dennis already did that, but Dennis never had a camera that was able to see Toby, so, where'd it all come from?
