I agree 100% with everything.
They ignored so many crucial plot points that were originally established in the previous films, like the 'Coven' making a deal with the 'Demon' for wealth and fortune in exchange for the first born male of the family or the ritual that required Hunter to sacrifice Alex because she was a virgin at the end of 4, the ritual that required Kristi to 'marry' Toby at the end of 3, none of that was included, like literally wiped off, instead replaced with all these plot-holes, like where did Toby come from if there was no deal? he's just a random Demon that came about for no reason? no ritual needed? makes no sense.
The time travel ending made NO sense at all, and it all happened between 1992 to 2013, they sent Toby to the future to the house built on top of their childhood house in 3, so suddenly after the events of the previous films, Paranormal Activity 2 to 4, where Toby was already in the World, he is sent to that house in particular, after all the stuff that's happened? or is the Toby in the Ghost Dimension and the Toby in the previous films two different Tobys? meaning that there's a human Toby and a Demon Toby at the same time? Makes NO sense, and if the Toby from Paranormal Activity 3 was given human form in 1992, the years of the girls childhood to adolescence, how would the previous films after 3 occur if that Toby was no longer in Demon form? how would Toby haunt Katie and Kristi in 2006? Micah's death? the Rey family's deaths? the Nelson family's deaths? Alex's sacrifice? the events that preceded 3 and allowed everything that happened in the Ghost Dimension to happen, if the other movies don't happen, Toby's Victory can't happen, the timeline is destroyed!
The overall editing and filming style was very shoddy, the time cuts happened too fast in between the dialogue which made it hard to hear most of the words they were saying when it just cuts to the next frame, terrible editors who couldn't keep the pace at a normal level to immerse the audience into the plot, unlike the previous films that managed to pull this off successfully.
And how could the mother remain so oblivious when the camera recorded Toby in her daughter's bedroom, very obtuse, the mothers in the previous films were WAY more smarter than her because they couldn't see Toby, and couldn't believe the fathers who were convinced that the house was haunted, until it was too late, she had NO excuse to think Toby was just an imaginary friend of her daughter, when she could play the footage and watch Toby appear, and why was the mother's friend, the yoga chick who was not even convinced of Toby's existence? wasn't she the one who went to Leila's room and Toby was behind her and FLEW through her which obviously scared the shi* out of her, when the mother was telling her about Leila ripping the pages out of the bible, she was acting like nothing was going on, hello? you were attacked by Toby the nights before, don't you think it's a little too much of a coincidence that your friends daughter got out of bed, threw the pages of the bible into the fireplace as if something was using her to rid the house of it's religious items? Think, people, think!
Yes, Toby's true appearance was just a big CGI mess, looked so fake and unreal, I actually cringed in the theatres when I saw his face, ugh, terrible. And he bared no resemblance to the Demon from the previous films, sure he was a shape shifter, but what about the footprints in powder in the first film? where were the loud footsteps which would alert the audience that Toby was here? he just looked like 'black smoke' and not something that could physically make the floor creak as he walked, the past films with the Baphomet imagery established that Toby resembled something similar to Baphomet or a tall large being with 3 toes, horns with the head of a animal like a Goat, and it'd be cool if we could actually hear him talk, like the deep demonic voice that you could hear in the subliminal messages in the first trailer for Paranormal Activity 2, and you could hear the voice utter 'Hunter' in a very spine chilling way, that would of been so awesome, but no, they screwed up, thinking a big mesh of CGI hands and eyes would terrify the audience, think again!
And WHERE the HELL was Katie Featherston? the main star of the show? Though when I think about it, she should of been there yet at the same time it was for the best because she wouldn't of wanted to represent those money grabbers who cheated the true fans who deserved a final conclusion and to see the loose ends tied up, unlike Chris Sanders, the ORIGINAL director of the previous films who created the Mythology of Toby and the Coven, and made sure the Audience knew that Toby was a Demon without going all 'ANTICHRIST 666 HOLY WATER ZOMG' on us, Toby was a truly iconic horror antagonist that managed to terrify audiences around the world with just being something invisible and unable to be seen, just the nice and simple formula of 'something goes bump in the night'... you know, because what we can't see is MORE scary than what we CAN see, but I still believe that what Chris would of revealed as Toby's true form, it would of been truly terrifying and better than anything the fools of the Ghost Dimension could ever come up with, I hope they remake this and ignore everything that happened, give us a true sequel that follows up after 4 and answers EVERYTHING, something that will actually be remembered like the previous films.