I think we should start a petition

You know... I never realized how truly flawed this all was... I just tried to stay positive, tried to look at the bright side... but they really messed up, I actually feel stupid for being so oblivious.

I'm sure I speak for many fans and lovers in saying that the first 3 maybe even 5
if you include TMO were the true successors for Paranormal Activity.

The Ghost Dimension was completely absent of everything that made the previous films what they were... in fact it didn't even hold the main things like Katie Featherston,

main star of the show, how could they not wrap it up without her? that's
just a joke, and I even heard that the reason she was absent from Ghost Dimension
was because she fought with the production of Ghost Dimension, I bet she wasn't happy to see where the story was going and wanted no part in it or simply disagreed, but those money grabbers got pi**ed and kicked her out, kicked out one of the main components
of the franchise, like yeah that's going to end well for the movie, Not...

I really feel like the franchise was purposefully cheated by the Director, I mean Gregory Plotkin was just the editor of the series, but they chose him to be the Director of the whole movie? he knew NOTHING, he was clueless, he took away all the elements and he
turned Toby into a cliché Antichrist plot element that lost everything that made Toby so iconic and truly 'scary' in nature, but they decided to use CGI to make us blind and turn the other way when in reality it was a complete utter failure.

BUT it wasn't the original writers or Christopher Landon's fault, he was a detrimental part of giving us all the answers to our questions that plagued since the first days of Paranormal Activity 2 3 and 4, if he was in control of the whole thing, I think
that the movie would of been the best one out of the whole series...

That is why I'm making a proposition to you, loving and devoted fans of the true series. I think we should make a petition to convince Christopher Landon and the writers to team up, have Gregory Plotkin as the editor like he always was, I'm sure even Chris knew what a big deal the franchise was, box-office grossing doesn't lie haters, the series was great, Chris knew what he was doing, he further expanded on the series without removing the things that made it what it was today, we need him to realize that Ghost Dimension was not a true conclusion to the franchise like the rest.

Gregory Plotkin turned Paranormal Activity into a Hollywood flick, but if we teamed up, and made this petition, I think they could see the errors of giving Gregory the job.

Think of the answers we could of gotten, the awesome wrap up of everything we saw unravel and awaited to see how it would all go down, Paranormal Activity was special, the previous movies had the same glow and shine as the first to 3, 4 wasn't seen as such in other's eyes but I think they should watch Ghost Dimension, then PA4 again.

Sure, maybe we aren't anything more than simple movie goers who've been obsessed with the whole series since the day Paranormal Activity 2 came out, but Paranormal Activity's failure wasn't due to it's own mistakes, the development of this movie was akin to a stack of cards, it just couldn't hold the weight of the issues, it fell apart.

But now it's up to us, if we can convince the internet, Facebook, Twitter, true lovers who knew that it was awesome back in the days of Horror, I think we can get the finale that we were waiting for all these years, the finale we deserved.


No, it is done. Stop having these delusions. And you are calling these people "Chris" and "Gregory"?


Yeah, I gave up with this, better to let Paranormal Activity get it's rest, Chris Landon was the original writer of the previous movies, Gregory Plotkin was the editor of the previous movies and director of this movie.

But they should release all the bonus material that never made it to the Bluray, and the many endings that were filmed for Paranormal Activity 2.


Yes, I know who they are. Why are chatting about them as if they are your best buds? Creepy.


What do you mean? I never did such a thing, however I'm a fan of Paranormal Activity and these people brought it to me and have earned my respect, literally my found footage horror heroes, I was like little when I first watched Paranormal Activity with my family at home, 15-16 when I saw Paranormal Activity 2, 3 then 4. I'm 17 now. So, yeah.

I'm a big fan. 


Sorry - I thought that you were the person whom I responded to...didn't imagine anyone would respond to me on this thread, except the original person...


Uh, I am the person you responded to... what exactly are you talking about? O.o


A petition would be pointless. Studios aren't interested in what the fans want to see. Biggest example is the original Poltergeist. There's already been multiple home entertainment releases, from VHS, dvd, bluray and lasersisc, and there's almost no extra material. The laserdisc had the most bonus material, but it was a quick making of feature and the international trailer. Some dvds had the regular trailer, and the bluray had 2 tiny segments on the subject of Poltergeist phenomena, but nothing about the movie.

There will be other releases of the Paranormal Activity films, as studios continually make more dvds and blurays, but no big release until Paramount makes a new PA series. The boxset would be a promotional tool to get people interested in seeing new stuff.

There is a 5 disc PA dvd collection with all of the movies prior to The Ghost Dimension, but no bonus stuff included.


True, but a box set of all films including Ghost Dimension with extra material from the trailers/tv spots wouldn't hurt.
