MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015) Discussion > Take a break, Blumhouse. Then team with ...

Take a break, Blumhouse. Then team with Netflix and make a better sequel

This would be my proposal for how to salvage this franchise (and this is obviously just-for-fun, I know nobody is going to actually take this seriously)...

Blumhouse needs to take a break for a few years. Give it 2-3 years. Don't rush it. Because we saw what happens when they rush things.

We got three very solid, fun horror films that told a singular, coherent story that felt more-or-less complete. Then a contrived fourth film that raised more questions than answers about the franchise. It should have just been a spin-off or the start of a new storyline. Then we did get a spin-off, and it was a slight step forward because it wasn't too bogged-down by the then-messy central storyline. ... ... ...then they gave us another rushed main-series sequel that just created more questions and felt like a tonal betrayal. It also included all sorts of bizarre ret-cons and alterations to the central storyling to boot! And it was a let-down.

They should take a break... hold occasional meetings, or take pitches from the original core creative team (Oren Peli, Christopher Landon, maybe even Joost & Schulman) and develop them, but not rush it.

Then, find a streaming platform like Netflix or Hulu. Someone they can team with. And make another entry that is either a spin-off or another follow-up that doesn't pay much attention to the mess that was The Ghost Dimension. The films almost exclusively functioned better for at-home viewings in the dark than they did in theaters, so a streaming service would be a great way to go- it wouldn't entail the risks of a theatrical exhibition, and it would make the film readily-available for fans when they wanted it.

Maybe launch it the day before Halloween, before giving it a proper DVD/Blu-Ray release the following January, as has been tradition.

This is what they should do. They won't. But they should.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


Joking or not, this is seriously what they should do.

Ignore Ghost Dimension like Blair Witch Project 3 ignored Blair Witch Project 2.


That second sentence made me think: I actually always thought that when/if they make Blair Witch 3, that Book of Shadows should be treated as a film-within-a-film. (Like it was Hollywood's attempt to cash-in on the "real life" tragedy of the original film.)

I've actually been tinkering with doing a Nostalgia-Critic-inspired series of video-reviews of the Paranormal Activity franchise. I'm toying with, as the "finale" of the series, making the final episode a sort-of pitch/speculation video where I and a group of fellow fans pitch our ideas for ways to salvage the series. If I do, I just might have to post something on this page to see if people would want to submit ideas...

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


That sounds awesome! I'd love to see it, for sure.
