Tobi & Time

In this movie, when they are watching the videos of the girls talking about the lil girls room they speak on letting Tobi show them what he sees, meaning he is already in the present time of the movie showing them in the past about this situation. In thought, it is said that entities dead can pass through time with ease, it would be simple to point out that what they are is the next dimension, the ghost dimension which by thought alone, take it like this will we be able to go to points in time, our time to relive those memories of such or more. I mean this one piece of the movie kinda closes the plothole that people think exists with if Tobi becomes human in the past does it become a paradox, well no because the lil girl passes through time just like Tobi can pass through time... so by that notion the Tobi that becomes human is the same Tobi from 2013 instead of the past Tobi from the original movies, meaning everything still goes on around them like a loop...


When time travel is involved in a story it is no longer a linear timeline we are dealing with. I agree entirely that it is obviously is the Tobi from 2013 who adopts a human form having already gone through the events of the previous films - they have already happened so Tobi travelling back in time has no bearing on those events. I apologise if I'm not explaining myself well but I wanted to share my agreement with your post. Besides, we don't know what Tobi did next, we don't know whether he returned to 2013 or stepped through a portal to another time. We do need to have another movie to explain that, but that's just my personal opinion.


Another...mmm..another movie? Like, another paranormal activity? Another paranormal activity movie? Like, another to be the 6th? Another just to consist of revelations? Or another just to continue confusing us with jump scares? I liked the dimension skit from VHS3. Short, simple imple with a beginning and end. I am about to watch this film now. Hope it's really worth asking for another.


PA GD is no PA film - let alone 'finale' or 'ending' to me, it's only worth asking for a complete reboot with the original directors and writers, just the truth, in my opinion.
